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Technical Group on Media Engineering (ME)  (Searched in: 2010)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2010-11-11 to:2010-11-11'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-11
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ Generation Method of Image Weathered by Rain Drop and Mold with Aging Transition
Hayato Yoshida, Nobuhiko Mukai (Tokyo City Univ)
There are some methods that simulate the aged transition of weathered image; however, it is difficult to represent the a... [more] BCT2010-76 ME2010-159 AIT2010-117
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-11
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ Composition Method of Finger Letters in Japanese Sign Language by Using Spherical Linear Interpolation
Takahiro Higuma, Masashi Nakagawa, Mukai Nobuhiko (Tokyo City Univ)
In this paper, we propose a generation method of composite Japanese sign language movements by interpolating two basic f... [more] BCT2010-77 ME2010-160 AIT2010-118
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-11
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ A Study on Optimaization Algorithm for Search of the Optimal Dither Matrix
Ken-ichi Tanaka, Tsuneyasu Kato (Meiji Univ.)
 [more] BCT2010-78 ME2010-161 AIT2010-119
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-11
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ Improving the Performance of SIFT Using Bilateral Filter -- Speedup Implementation with GPU --
Tomoaki Yamazaki, Jiro Katto (Waseda Univ.)
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-11
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ GPU-assisted evolutive image predictor generation
Matthew McCawley, Seishi Takamura, Hirohisa Jozawa (NTT)
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-11
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ Research on visual influence between mosaic and identification for characters
Hiroki Osawa, Maiko Moriya, Nobuji Tetsutani (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-12
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ [Special Talk] *
Takaki Ichimori (NTT)
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-12
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ 2-pass Video Coding Algorithm based on Macroblock Rate-Distortion and Macroblock Type
Kazuya Yokohari, Yasuyuki Nakajima, Atsushi Sagata, Kazuto Kamikura (NTT)
In order to achieve high-efficient video coding, 2-pass video coding algorithms are proposed.
In the existing 2-pass vi... [more]
BCT2010-79 ME2010-162 AIT2010-120
IEICE-IE, AIT, BCT, ME [detail] 2010-11-12
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ Geometrical Inavariable for People Number Estimation using Video Camera
Hiroyuki Arai, Isao Miyagawa, Hideki Koike (NTT)
We had proposed a technique for estimating the number of people in a video sequence using calibrated monocular camera. I... [more] BCT2010-80 ME2010-163 AIT2010-121
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
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