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Technical Committee on Electronic Information Displays (IEICE-EID)  (Searched in: 2011)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2011-07-22 to:2011-07-22'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) The effects of the sheet resistance and the parasitic capacitance in the capacitive-type touch screen
Katsunori Yuge, Kyuwon Kyoung, Reiji Hattori (Kyushu Univ.)
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Low driving voltage display technology in reverse mode liquid crystal device
koichiro Goto, Rumiko Yamaguchi (Akita Univ.), Oleg Yaroshchuk (NASU)
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A Short Distance Projection Method for Novel Multi-View Display Using QDA Screen
Shiro Ozawa, Kazuyuki Iso, Yasuhiro Yao (NTT), Tohru Kawakami, Baku Katagiri, Yoshihito Suzuki (Tohoku Univ.), Tatsuo Uchida (Tohoku Univ./Sendai NCT)
 [more] IDY2011-36
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Local Dimming Algorithm to Minimize Maximum Luminance Reproductive Error
Ryosuke Nonaka, Yuma Sano, Masahiro Baba (Toshiba)
 [more] IDY2011-37
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Development of polymer light-emitting diode (PLED) displays using the relief printing method
Jun Onohara, Yuji Kubo, Eiichi Kitazume (TOPPAN)
 [more] IDY2011-38
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Improvement of Luminous Efficacy Using New Structure in AC-PDPs
Shinichiro Hori, Tomohiro Murakoso, Eishiro Otani, Kimio Amemiya (Panasonic Plasma Display Co, Ltd.)
The dielectric layer of low electric permittivity is one of the important methods to achieve the improvement of luminous... [more] IDY2011-39
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Development of a Dual-Lamp Projector with High-Brightness
Akihiro Yamada, Kuniko Kojima, Koji Minami, Hiroaki Sugiura, Hiroshi Kida, Kenji Samejima (Mitsubishi Electric)
A dual-lamp projector has been developed that can display distinct pictures even in bright, spacious spaces. Two lamps a... [more] IDY2011-40
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Development of High Contrast Ratio and Wide-Viewing Angle Electrowetting Display
Toshiki Matsuoka, Tomoko Teranishi, Shun Ueki, Takkuma Tomotoshi, Yozo Narutaki, Yasuhisa Itoh (SHARP)
We have developed a transmissive type of electrowetting display driven by passive matrix. In this structure, droplets of... [more] IDY2011-41
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
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