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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2021-01-29
Kyoto (Kyoto) Fluorescent Spectral and Polarization Characteristics of Dye-Aligned Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films for Photosynthesis Promotion
Ryo Tsunaki, Yosei Shibata, Takahiro Ishinabe, Hideo Fujikake (Tohoku Univ.)
To improve growth efficiency of crops, the development of agricultural film has been required: such films enable to pro... [more] IDY2021-4
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD, SID-JC, IEIJ-SSL [detail] 2016-01-28
Toyama Toyama Univ. (Toyama) Synthesis of YVO4:Bi,Eu nanoparticles and wavelength conversion films for solar panels -- In-situ pH monitor for highly activating Bi and Eu centers --
Ryosuke Sakata, Ryo Nagayama (Tottori Univ.), Tadashi Ishigaki (TiFREC), Hiroshi Okura (Merck Ltd.), Koutoku Ohmi (Tottori Univ.)
The strong light absorption and visible light scattering is required for wavelength conversion phosphors for solar batte... [more] IDY2016-1
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