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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 50  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2025-03-10
Tokyo Tokyo Polytechnic Univ. (Nakano) (Tokyo) A Control Simulation into Desired Shape using Multiple Soap Bubbles
Naruo Nishio (Hosei Univ), Syuhei Sato (Hosei Univ/PCGR), Kaisei Sakurai (CA), Keiko Nakamoto (Hosei Univ)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
ME, AIT, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, SIP [detail] 2025-02-18
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Trial for Investigating Relationship between Older Drivers' Physical Function and Vehicle Control Behavior Using RTK-GNSS
Ayumu Tsujimura (Kindai Univ..), Shohei Kagino (Morinomiya Univ. of Medical Sciences), Shingo Moriizumi (Tezukayama Univ..), Yoshio Fujita (CPUOHS), Kazumi Renge (Tezukayama Univ..), Osamu Sugiyama, Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ..)
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MMS2025-15 ME2025-15 AIT2025-15 SIP2025-15
Shizuoka   (Shizuoka) [Poster Presentation] Relationship between phase formation and luminescence properties of fluoride nanoparticle phosphors synthesized by solvothermal method
Tomoki Sadamori, Naruki Yoshimura, Hiroko Kominami, Kazuhiko Hara, Katsuyuki Takagi, Toru Aoki (Shizuoka Univ.)
Fluoride nanophosphor samples were prepared for application to photodynamic therapy, and the relationship between format... [more] IDY2025-12
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2024-12-06
Ehime Ehime Univ. (CITE) (Ehime, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Evaluation of Reconstruction Image using Encoded lens by Spatial Light Modulator in Virtual Phase Conjugation based Optical tomography
Suzuki Kenshin, Okamoto Atsushi, Yamada Yu, Tomita Akihisa (Hokkaido Univ.)
Virtual phase conjugation based optical tomography (VPC-OT) realizes single-shot three-dimensional(3D)measurement withou... [more] MMS2024-40
3DMT 2024-10-29
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Designing of an ultra-thin laser backlight embedded in a holographic contact lens display
Fuma Hirata, Yuto Hayashi, Yasuhiro Takaki (TUAT)
We previously proposed a holographic image generation technique for contact lens displays.In this study,we develop an ul... [more] 3DMT2024-59
ME 2024-10-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Study on Digital Twin of River by 3D Modeling for Flow Path Health Assessment
Phonepaserth Sisaykeo, Hiroyasu Yasuda, Kiyoshi Hayasaka, Shogo Muramatsu (Niigata Univ.)
This study presents a novel approach to develop a river health assessment measure by leveraging a digital twin, develope... [more] ME2024-96
HI, IEICE-MVE, VRSJ, HI-SIG-DeMO, IPSJ-HCI, IPSJ-EC [detail] 2024-06-07
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Relation Between Level of Embodiment and Motion Skill Learning Using Virtual Co-Embodiment
Seiya Ohashi (PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.), Katsuyoshi Imagawa, kijima ryugo (Gifu Univ.)
One of the features of VR is the ability to maintain physicality while engaging in a virtual world, with motor skill lea... [more]
SIP 2024-03-21
Ibaraki Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba (Ibaraki) Space estimation for soccer match videos using automatic player tracking with machine learning
Ryo Yoshimura, Masataka Imura (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
This research proposes a method to quantitatively estimate space in soccer tactical analysis based on player and ball po... [more] SIP2024-3
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD, SID-JC, IEIJ-SSL [detail] 2024-01-25
Kyoto (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Effect of functional nanoparticles on polymer-dispersed liquid crystal devices photo-polymerized at high temperatures
Naotaka A, Mitsuhiro Akimoto, Ren Iwaya (Sanyo-Onoda City Univ.), Eriko Fukuda (Kyushu Sangyo Univ.)
This study reports the results of the effect of functional nanoparticles on device performance of acrylate-based polymer... [more]
IDY, SID-JC 2023-03-17
Online online (Online) [Invited Talk] Liquid-Crystal Integrated Optical Phased Array for Adaptive Beam-Steering LiDAR
Kazuki Nakamura, Kenji Narumi, kohei Kikuchi, Yumiko Kato, Akira Hashiya, Takaiki Nomura, Masahiko Tsukuda, Yoshiki Sasaki, Kazuya Hisada, Yasuhisa Inada (Panasonic)
On-chip beam steering devices have been widely investigated for automotive and industrial LiDAR applications. We propose... [more] IDY2023-17
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2023-03-06
Tokyo Tokyo Polytechnic Univ. (Nakano) (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A sketch-based system for hand-drawn anime-style hair animations: Tweaking of control parameters
Daisuke Kodama, Issei Fujishiro (Keio Univ.)
Hair animation in Japanese hand-drawn animation plays an important role in expressing dynamism and creating impressive s... [more] AIT2023-51
MMS, ME, AIT, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2023-02-21
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Development of high brightness light source device for electronic holography using yellow phosphor light source for projector
Takuo Yoneyama, Yuji Sakamoto (Hokkaido Univ.)
We have developed a high brightness light source device for electronic holography using a yellow phosphor light source f... [more] MMS2023-12 ME2023-32 AIT2023-12
AIT, 3DMT, OSJ-HODIC 2022-09-09
Online (Online) Generation of Laguerre-Gaussian beam on equator of hybrid-order Poincare sphere by double-phase hologram
Yuto Nakamura, Takashi Kakue, Ken Morita, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Tomoyoshi Ito (Chiba Univ)
Light of a complex polarization state which is mapped on hybrid-order Poincare sphere can be generated by superposition ... [more] AIT2022-166 3DMT2022-34
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) A Study on the Necessity of Product Detail Videos for Apparel EC Sites
Tomokazu Yano, Tomokazu Ishikawa (Toyo Univ)
In late years the EC industry shows growth. It is demanded that the apparel EC site send a lot of product information to... [more] AIT2022-140
HI, IEICE-HIP, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] 2022-02-27
Online on line (Online) Investigation of the role of alpha waves in information communication between brain regions based on gamma coherence using a mathematical model
Suguru Hirai (Kindai Univ.), Akihiro Masaoka (Tamagawa Univ.), Takeshi Kohama (Kindai Univ.)
In this study, we conducted simulation experiments using a mathematical model to investigate the relationship between in... [more] HI2022-6
IDY, IEICE-EID, IEE-EDD, SID-JC, IEIJ-SSL [detail] 2022-01-27
Online (Online) Evaluation and analysis of the crosstalk between adjacent pixels with narrow pixel pitches of one-dimensional LC devices
Junichi Shibasaki, Kenichi Aoshima, Shintaro Aso (NHK), Takahiro Ishinabe, Yosei Shibata, Hideo Fujikake (Tohoku Univ.), Kenji Machida (NHK)
We aim 1 μm pixel-pitch FLC (Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal) devices for achieving the wide-viewing holographic images. We... [more] IDY2022-3
IST, ME, IEICE-IE, IEICE-SIP, IEICE-BioX [detail] 2021-06-03
Online Online (Online) Accumulation Control of Bit-Plane Images for Motion Estimation by Single Photon Counting Imaging
Hiroki Koda, Yusuke Kameda, Shunichi Sato, Takayuki Hamamoto (TUS)
In single photon counting imaging, the sequence of bit-plane images, which indicate the presence or absence of photons d... [more] IST2021-23 ME2021-54
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2021-03-08
Online Online (Online) A System for Expressing Avatar Emotions on Smartphones Using 3D Touch
Chenyi Han, Yoshihisa Kanematsu, Koji Mikami (TUT)
In order to convey the user's emotions in communicating with others on smartphones, not only linguistic expressions but ... [more] AIT2021-55
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2021-03-08
Online Online (Online) Computer simulation of crushing a paper box by shape matching
Keisuke Nishida, Kohe Tokoi (Wakayama Univ.)
In this research, we developed a paper simulation method that can be applied to games. The proposed method adopted the m... [more] AIT2021-81
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2021-01-29
Kyoto (Kyoto) Red luminescence excited by blue light in (Ca,Sr)5(PO4)3F:Eu2+
Kai Shimura, Hiroki Kushima, Yuki Tamura, Tsuyoshi Okuno (UEC Tokyo)
The red phosphor (Ca,Sr)5(PO4)3F:Eu2+ is reported. Under visible light excitation at 400–600 nm, broad red luminescence ... [more] IDY2021-1
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