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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
BCT, IEICE-SIS 2022-10-14
Aomori Hachinohe Institute of Technology (Aomori, Misc., Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Creation of subjective evaluation datasets for Print Quality Assessment
Ryosuke Tonegawa, Yosuke Sugiura, Nozomiko Yasui, Tetsuya Shimamura (Saitama Univ)
There does not exist image quality assessment (IQA) dataset for image with print-specific defects so far. This dataset c... [more]
HI, IEICE-HIP, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] 2022-02-28
Online on line (Online) Estimation of speech emotional intensity model using impression ratings
Megumi Kawase, Minoru Nakayama (Tokyo Tech)
We used deep learning to estimate emotional intensity from speech. In our previous study, we considered emotional intens... [more]
AIT, ME, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2022-02-21
Online online (Online) A Note on Inspection Action Classification Using First and Third Person Video of Engineers Inspecting Bridges
Tsuyoshi Masuda, Keisuke Maeda, Ren Togo, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
In this paper, we propose an inspection action classification method using first and third person videos of engineers in... [more] MMS2022-25 ME2022-50 AIT2022-25
IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2021-02-18
Online Online (Online) Self-Evaluation of AIS Station Coverage Area for GTFS Realtime of Maritime Public Transport
Naoki Yamane (NIT,Tokuyama College), Tomohiro Sunada, Kazuma Urata, Kenshiro Okamura (NIT, Oshima College), Misako Urakami (NIT,Tokuyama College)
GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) Realtime is not advanced in the maritime filed because it is necessary to rece... [more]
ME 2020-02-08
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin University (Kanagawa) Relationship between the aspect of stretch change of fabric surface and stretchy evaluation
Yuki Taira, Tomoharu Ishikawa, Hiroshi Mori (Utsunomiya Univ.), Minoru Mitsui (IoT), Keiko Yanagida (Bunkagakuen Univ.), Kazuya Sasaki, Miyoshi Ayama (Utsunomiya Univ.)
In recent years, due to the development of the Internet, the online shopping market continues to expand, and opportuniti... [more] ME2020-25
ME 2019-02-09
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin University (Kanagawa) Relationship between stretchy evaluation of fabrics and visual physical factors
Yuki Taira, Tomoharu Ishikawa, Hiroshi Mori (Utsunomiya Univ.), Minoru Mitsui (Monotsukuri Univ.), Yoshiko Yanagida (Bunka gakuen Univ.), Kazuya Sasaki, Miyoshi Ayama (Utsunomiya Univ.)
In recent years, due to the development of the Internet, the online shopping market continues to expand, and opportuniti... [more] ME2019-7
IEICE-EID, IDY, HI, 3DMT, IEE-OQD, SID-JC [detail] 2017-10-26
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg (Tokyo) Multidimensional analysis of preferred color reproduction in portrait prints
Aki Takayanagi, Yoshitomo Nakamura (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Satoru Kubota (Ergo Design Labo.)
A subjective evaluation experiment was carried out in order to investigate the psychological evaluation structure of ski... [more] IDY2017-40 HI2017-63 3DIT2017-31
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2017-03-14
Tokyo Ochanomizu Univ. (Tokyo) Discussion of floating-expression for spherical display
Hiromu Sato, Hiroyuki Kubo, Takuya Funatomi (NAIST), Aki Takayanagi, Yoshitomo Nakamura (Mitsubishi Electric), Makoto Seguchi, Hitoshi Matsuoka (Miraikan), Yasuhiro mukaigawa (NAIST)
In recent years, non-planar displays have been developed for data visualization, art, and exhibition. However, detail re... [more] AIT2017-47
AIT, IIEEJ 2016-08-26
Hokkaido FUTURE UNIVERSITY HAKODATE (Hokkaido) Estimate of Quantity of Random Noise Based on Fractal Dimension for Improvement of Surface texture
Yudai Ishikawa, Masashi Kameda (Iwate Pre.Univ.)
It was reported that Random noise is effective to improve the surface texture. When the impression of surface texture ch... [more] AIT2016-142
ME, JSKE 2014-10-03
Gifu (Gifu) Evaluation of corrected sounds in a vehicle considering the cruising noise
Kyosuke Ochiai (Utsunomiya Univ.), Tomoaki Hidaka (HAC), Makoto Yamato (Right-EAR), Toshiyuki kageyama (HAC), Hiroshi Hasegawa (Utsunomiya Univ.)
We conducted a subjective evaluation experiment to determine the optimal frequency characteristics for a car audio syste... [more] ME2014-97
Tokyo Sanjo Conference Hall (Tokyo) A pilot evaluation of tactile interface using vortex air canon for controlling physiological state -- Puff・Puff System:user-friendly system using compressed air --
Mami Yamaguchi, Shuhei Yamamoto, Ryoko Ueoka (Kyushu Univ.)
In order to support office workers to work comfortably, we will develop “Puff ・ Puff system”, which is a tactile display... [more]
3DMT, IDY 2013-06-10
Osaka (Osaka) Frame Disparity Statistics for Subjective Stereoscopic Sensation Evaluation
Satoshi Toyosawa (Tokuyama Univ.), Takashi Kawai (Waseda Univ.)
The current study examines a various statistics obtained from pixel-level disparities in a given stereoscopic video fram... [more] IDY2013-23 3DIT2013-26
IEICE-ITS, IEICE-IE, AIT, HI, ME [detail] 2013-02-19
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) A Note on the Quantitative Evaluation of Video Retrieval Results (1) -- An Evaluation of a Video Retrieval System through Subjective Public Experiments in Sapporo --
Yutaka Yamanouchi, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
We previously proposed a quantitative evaluation method using criteria based on grouping principles. In this paper, we a... [more] HI2013-25 ME2013-53 AIT2013-25
AIT, ME 2012-05-23
Wakayama Wakayama University Machikado Satellite (Wakayama) Approach for Objective Evaluation Method of Video Content using Physiological Parameters
Shinsuke Mitsui, Toshikazu Kato (Chuo Univ.)
This paper is a research about searching the possibility of physiological parameters as an objective evaluation method o... [more] ME2012-74 AIT2012-95
ME 2012-02-18
Kanagawa Kando Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) An examination of characters design based on shade expression
Mirai Takahashi, Hiroto Inoue, Mie Sato, Masao Kasuga (Utsunomiya Univ.)
Recently, design of characters has become diversified with the spread of the computer. When designing the characters, it... [more] ME2012-22
ME 2012-02-18
Kanagawa Kando Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Adjustment effects of stereoscopic images for mobile displays
Haruto Suzuki, Hisae Shimamura, Shota Mori, Mie Sato, Masao Kasuga (Utsunomiya Univ.), Nao Shibuhisa, Kei Tokui, Ken-ichi Iwauchi (Sharp)
Recently, improvement of 3D display technology has enabled us to enjoy 3D contents not only a on liquid crystal televisi... [more] ME2012-23
3DMT 2011-03-14
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. of Tech. (Tokyo) Experimental Study on Quasi-Stereoscopic View by Subjective Evaluation in Perception of Circular Cone Images Displayed on Video Display Screens
Tetsuya Muraoka (DIT), Hiroaki Ikeda (former Shizuoka Univ.)
An experimental study on the perception of quasi-stereoscopic view for the images of a green circular cone on a video di... [more] 3DIT2011-8
3DMT 2011-03-15
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. of Tech. (Tokyo) Effect of 3D display principle on representation of surface quality -- psychophysical evindence and computational consideration on the effects of stereo viewing and head motion on perceived glossiness --
Yuichi Sakano, Hiroshi Ando (NICT)
Based on subjective evaluation evidence, it has been reported that high-density directional 3D displays produce high glo... [more] 3DIT2011-16
ME, JSKE, HOKURIKU 2010-10-25
Fukui Matuya Sensen (Fukui) Subjective evaluation of sounds in a vehicle while driving
Ippei Torii (Utsunomiya Univ.), Junji Yoshida (OIT), Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga (Utsunomiya Univ.)
Noises in a vehicle have been decreased by recent advances of noise reduction technologies. But it could cost a lot more... [more] ME2010-148
ME 2009-02-28
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Comparison and the feature analysis of multiple media based on Kansei view points.
Yousuke Mukai, saori nozawa, mie sato, masao kasuga (Utsunomiya Univ.)
In recent years, by the situation that computer networks reached the general popularization, the advance information and... [more] ME2008-55
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