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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ME, CE, IPSJ-AVM, IEICE-IE [detail] 2016-08-08
Fukuoka   Multi-stage identification of GGO candidate regions using DCNN and SVM
Kazuki Hirayama, Joo Kooi Tan, Hyoungseop Kim (KIT), Takatoshi Aoki (UOEH), Shoji Kido (YU)
Recently, the development of CAD (Computer Aided Diagnosis) system for the purpose of reducing the burden to the physici... [more]
HI 2014-11-29
Kumamoto Kumamoto City International Center A Temporal Subtraction Technique on Thoracic MDCT Images by Using GGVF and Smoothing of Shift Vectors
Yuriko Yoshino, Hyoungseop Kim, Joo Kooi Tan, Seiji Ishikawa (KIT), Seiichi Murakami, Takatoshi Aoki (UOEH)
Recently, some computer aided diagnoses (CAD) systems has been introduced until now. Temporal subtraction technique, as ... [more] HI2014-74
IST, ME 2009-06-15
Ishikawa Kanazawa Univ. High speed and high accuracy motion vector detection by on-sensor pixel matching
Yoshihiro Kawashima, Kenichi Nakayama, Takayuki Hamamoto (TUS), Kazuya Kodama (NII)
We propose a method of motion vector detection at high frame rate on a smart image sensor, and describe the design of th... [more] IST2009-24 ME2009-100
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