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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-MRIS, MMS, IEICE-CPM [detail] 2022-10-28
Online Shinshu Univ. (Online, Nagano)
(Primary: Online, Secondary: On-site)
Tunable magneto-optical effect coupled to nanoantenna
Shunsuke Murai, Feifei Zhang, Katsuhisa Tanaka (Kyoto-U.)
The enhancement of the magneto-optical (MO) effect through the combination of plasmonic nanostructures and magnetic mate... [more] MMS2022-42
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2013-12-13
Ehime Ehime Univ. (Ehime) [Invited Talk] Thermally Assisted Magnetic Recording Applying Surface Plasmon
Katsuji Nakagawa (Nihon Univ.)
Thermally Assisted Magnetic Recording (TAMR) has been studied as one of future technologies for magnetic recording. TAMR... [more]
IST 2012-11-21
Shizuoka Sanaru-kaikan, Shizuoka Univ. (Hamamatsu) (Shizuoka) [Invited Talk] High-performance and high-functionality SOI photodiodes utilizing surface plasmon
Hiroshi Inokawa, Hiroaki Satoh, Atsushi Ono, Ken Kawakubo (Shizuoka Univ.)
In order to enhance the performance and functionality of the pn-junction photodiode in silicon on insulator (SOI), surfa... [more] IST2012-67
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