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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 28  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Shizuoka   (Shizuoka) [Poster Presentation] Shape control synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
Hayato Nagasaka, Atsushi Nakamura (Shizuoka Univ.)
Magnetic nanoparticles are magnetic particles with diameters ranging from a few nm to several tens of nm,
which have b... [more]
Shizuoka   (Shizuoka) [Poster Presentation] Development of Eu-Doped TAGG Nanoparticle Scintillators
Yuma Takahashi, Masanori Koshimizu (Shizuoka Univ.)
The demand for technologies that generate scintillation within biological systems for medicine and biological research i... [more] IDY2025-18
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD, SID-JC, IEIJ-SSL [detail] 2024-01-25
Kyoto (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Effect of functional nanoparticles on polymer-dispersed liquid crystal devices photo-polymerized at high temperatures
Naotaka A, Mitsuhiro Akimoto, Ren Iwaya (Sanyo-Onoda City Univ.), Eriko Fukuda (Kyushu Sangyo Univ.)
This study reports the results of the effect of functional nanoparticles on device performance of acrylate-based polymer... [more]
IIEEJ, AIT 2021-10-28
Osaka (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Two-dimensional multi-size particle sampling based on minimum porosity
Xu Wang, Makoto Fujisawa, Masahiko Mikawa (Univ. of Tsukuba)
This paper proposes a sampling algorithm for multi-size particles within an arbitrary 2D shape using a Voronoi tessellat... [more] AIT2021-148
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2021-03-08
Online Online (Online) An Experimental Study on Combining Multiple Liquid Animations using Flow Interpolation
Yuto Tokuda, Syuhei Sato, Shangce Gao, Zheng Tang (Univ. of Toyama)
In the field of computer graphics, physically-based fluid simulations can create realistic animations, but its computati... [more] AIT2021-88
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2020-03-13
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo)
Representation of stretch, pieces and their transitions in real-time rendering of flames
Sayaka Yamamoto, Yoshihisa Kanematsu, Masaki Abe, Taichi Watanabe, Koji Mikami (TUT)
Real-time expression of flame is used in various contents such as games. However, there is no method capable of sufficie... [more] AIT2020-158
IDY, IEICE-EID, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2020-01-23
Tottori Tottori Univ (Tottori) [Poster Presentation] Mist CVD of ZnO-based nanoparticle dispersed thin films
Naoki Oshiro, Shogo Onoda, Toshihiro Nara, Hiroko Kominami, Kazuhiko Hara (Shizuoka Univ.)
As one of the nanoparticle-dispersed semiconductor films we have proposed for novel phosphor applications, ZnO-nanoparti... [more] IDY2020-3
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. (Tokyo) "Unreal Engine 4" How to make an explosion effect
Karitsu Cyou, Takanori Nagae (Tokyo Polytechnic Univ)
This work is This work is a media art work on the theme of various kinds of effects. It combines effects and Animation, ... [more] AIT2019-91
IIEEJ, AIT 2018-08-10
Nagano Shinshu Univ. (Nagano) Droplet Formation Simulation for Cerebral Aneurysm Embolization
Takuya Natsume (Tokyo City Univ.), Masamichi Oishi (Univ of Tokyo), Nobuhiko Mukai (Tokyo City Univ.), Marie Oshima (Univ of Tokyo)
Although liquid embolization is performed in overseas as a preventive surgical procedure for subarachnoid hemorrhage cau... [more] AIT2018-169
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2018-03-16
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo) A system for generating flames capable of binocular vision using particle volume rendering
Akihiro Imada, Issei Fujishiro (Keio Univ.)
In the field of CG, billboards have been used to represent visual effects such as flames, smoke, and
clouds. There are ... [more]
AIT, IIEEJ, AS 2016-03-09
Tokyo Tokyo Polytechnic Univ. (Tokyo) Procedural Sound Design Tool for Magical Visual Expression in Japanese Animation
Nana Satou, Akinori Ito, Koji Mikami (TUT)
Sound effect is the important part of fantastical scene in ANIME, especially for girls ANIME. However the sound design m... [more] AIT2016-75
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD, SID-JC, IEIJ-SSL [detail] 2016-01-28
Toyama Toyama Univ. (Toyama) TEEL devices coated with surfactant-free phosphor particles
Shinya Hatayama (Tottori Univ.), Shohei Ueda (Tottori Univ), Tadashi Ishigaki (TiFREC), Koutoku Ohmi (Tottori Univ.)
In this study, we have investigated a synthesis of surfactant-free ZnS:Mn phosphor precursor solution and a preparation ... [more] IDY2016-3
ME, AIT, IEICE-IE [detail] 2015-11-13
Kumamoto Sojo University Ikeda Campus (Kumamoto) A Simple Evaporation Model of Water Droplets Based on SPH Method by Considering Atmospheric Heat Transfer to Water Droplets Inside
Tomohiro Hirayama, Jun Kobayashi, Masaki Sato, Tomoaki Moriya, Yuki Morimoto (TDU), Tokiichiro Takahashi (TDU/UEI Research)
We have proposed a model to depict water droplets in computer graphics by using the smoothed particle hydro-dynamics (SP... [more] ME2015-117 AIT2015-114
AIT, IIEEJ, AS 2015-03-14
Tokyo (Tokyo) Representation for Soaring up of Spray Cloud by Considering Density Difference of the Air
Naoaki Nishibe, Youngha Chang, Nobuhiko Mukai (TCU)
There are not so many researches that represent the whole behavior of a waterfall from the lip to the basin, especially ... [more] AIT2015-37
ME 2014-02-22
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Dynamic Spatial Augmented Reality by Using Real-Time Object Tracking with a Depth Sensor
Daisuke Kobayashi, Naoki Hashimoto (UEC)
Recently, spatial augmented reality (SAR) have been used as a method of editing appearance of real objects by using a pr... [more] ME2014-34
AIT, IIEEJ, AS 2013-03-15
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Kanagawa) GPU acceleration of visual simulation of rain stain considering the adhesion
Masaki Tanaka (G. S. of Wakayama Univ.), Kohe Tokoi (Wakayama Univ.)
The reproduction of natural aging effect is necessary for rendering a photorealistic computer graphics image. The rain s... [more] AIT2013-64
AIT, IIEEJ, AS 2013-03-15
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Kanagawa) Rupture Simulation of a Bubble Based on Particle Method
Yusuke Tazu, Youngha Chang, Nobuhiko Mukai (Tokyo City Univ.)
We have simulated rupture behavior of a bubble by using a particle method. Bubbles in the water are composed of air part... [more] AIT2013-65
MMS, CE, IEICE-MRIS [detail] 2013-01-25
Osaka   (Osaka) Crystallization properties of Ge-Sb and (GeTe)-(Bi2Te3) nanoparticles by pulsed laser irradiation
Akio Tsuchino, Shuji Sato, Shigeru Furumiya, Takashi Mihara, Kazuya Hisada, Rie Kojima (Panasonic)
We designed phase-change nanoparticles of Ge10Sb90 and Ge2Bi2Te5(GeTe:Bi2Te3=2:1) less than 50nm in the diameters by the... [more] MMS2013-4 CE2013-4
3DMT, HI 2012-03-05
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech. (Tokyo) Study on Enlargement of Electronic Holography Image by Projection -- For Enlargement of 3D Image Size and Viewing-Zone-Angle --
Takananori Senoh, Akira Ohtomo, Kenji Yamamoto, Ryutaro Oi, Yasuyuki Ichihashi, Taiichirou Kurita (NICT)
Electronic holography images of large size and wide viewing-zone-angle are difficult to generate since they require disp... [more] HI2012-38 3DIT2012-7
AIT, IIEEJ 2011-03-11
Tokyo Tokyo Denki Univ. (Tokyo) Development of A Comprehensible Painting Tool for Spatial Perception
Daiki Umeda, Kazuki Kumagai, Tomoaki Moriya, Tokiichiro Takahashi (TDU)
2D art like illustration or oil painting are drawn with perspective drawing techniques. There are various techniques in ... [more] AIT2011-22
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