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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
3DMT 2024-03-15
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Consideration of reduction of thickness for waveguide near-eye display using HOE
Haruto Sekine (TUAT), Yoshiharu Momonoi (Samsung R&D Institute Japan), Yasuhiro Takaki (TUAT)
AR表示の方法として、導波路にHOEを貼り付けて画像伝送を行うニアアイディスプレイ(NED)が提案されている。これは、画像を入射側HOEで導波路内に取り込み、伝搬された画像を出射側HOEにより導波路内から取り出すことでAR表示を行うものであ... [more] 3DMT2024-24
IDY, IEICE-EID, SID-JC [detail] 2018-07-30
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) [Invited Lecture] A Plastic Holographic Waveguide Combiner for Light-weight and Highly-transparent Augmented Reality Glasses
Takuji Yoshida, Kazutatsu Tokuyama, Yuichi Takai, Daisuke Tsukuda, Tsuyoshi Kaneko, Nobuhiro Suzuki (Sony), Takafumi Anzai (SGMO), Akira Yoshikaie, Katsuyuki Akutsu, Akio Machida (Sony)
We have developed a unique production process of a full-color plastic holographic waveguide combiner with a light-weight... [more] IDY2018-40
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