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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2024-12-05
Ehime Ehime Univ. (CITE) (Ehime, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Micromagnetic analysis of the effect of the gap field rise time on STO oscillation for MAMR
Keita Tatsuno, Yasushi Kanai (Niigata Inst. Tech.), Simon Greaves (Tohoku Univ.)
The spin-torque oscillator (STO) used in microwave-assisted magnetic recording (MAMR) is the most important component in... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2021-06-10
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku U. (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Analysis of magnetization reversals in magnetic nanowire memory with recording metal wire
Kei Ogura, Mao Takahashi, Naoki Nakatani, Norihiko Ishii, Yasuyoshi Miyamoto (NHK)
We have proposed magnetic nanowire memories utilizing two parallel recording wires with no mechanical moving parts, so a... [more] MMS2021-29
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2021-06-10
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku U. (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Dependence of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and magnetic Kerr effect in (Bi,La)(Fe1-xCox)O3 multiferroic thin films on Co substitution concentration against Fe
Takumi Ozeki, Daichi Yamamoto, Genta Egawa, Satoru Yoshimura (Akita Univ.)
High saturation magnetization and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy are required for multiferroic (ferromagnetic / ferro... [more] MMS2021-31
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2018-06-08
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Evaluation of Current-driven Magnetic Domain Motion along [Co/Tb] Nanowire by Magneto Optical Microscopy
Mitsunobu Okuda, Mayumi Kawana, Yasuyoshi Miyamoto, Norihiko Ishii (NHK)
We have proposed a new magnetic recording memory utilizing parallel aligned nanowires without mechanical moving parts, i... [more] MMS2018-45
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2017-10-19
Niigata Kashiwazaki energy hall, Niigata (Niigata) Micromagnetic analysis of MAMR recording head -- Oscillation of small-sized STO with small external field --
Ryo Itagaki, Yasushi Kanai (Niigata Inst. of Tech.), Simon Greaves, Hiroaki Muraoka (Tohoku Univ.)
A micromagnetic model analysis of a spin-torque oscillator and write head for microwave-assisted magnetic recording was ... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2017-10-19
Niigata Kashiwazaki energy hall, Niigata (Niigata) A comparison of single phase and antiferromagnetically coupled media for microwave assisted magnetic recording
Simon Greaves (Tohoku Univ.), Yasushi Kanai (Niigata Inst. Tech.), Hiroaki Muraoka (Tohoku Univ.)
In microwave-assisted magnetic recording magnetostatic interactions between grains can cause the resonance frequency to ... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2017-06-08
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Real Time Observation of Current Driven Magnetic Domains in Magnetic Nanowire Memory by Magneto-optical Microscopy
Mitsunobu Okuda, Mayumi Kawana, Yasuyoshi Miyamoto (NHK)
We have proposed a new magnetic recording memory utilizing parallel aligned nanowires without mechanical moving parts, i... [more] MMS2017-45
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2017-06-09
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Speeding up micromagnetic simulation and application to spin torque devices
Tadashi Ataka, Atsushi Furuya, Tomohiro Tanaka, Chikako Yoshida, Kouichi Shimizu, Jun Fujisaki, Yuuji Uehara (Fujitsu Ltd.), Hirotaka Oshima (Fujitsu Lab.)
In recent years, saving the energy of the electronic devices has been needed , because of the interest in the environme... [more] MMS2017-47
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2016-06-09
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Effect of oxide boundary materials on magnetic properties for CoPt-based granular media
Kim Kong Tham, Ryosuke Kushibiki (Tanaka Kikinzoku), Shintaro Hinata, Shin Saito (Tohoku Univ.)
The magnetic properties and structures of Co80Pt20-30 vol% oxide (ZrO2, Cr2O3, Y2O3, Al2O3, MnO, TiO2, WO2, SiO2, Mn3O4,... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2016-06-09
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) New Magnetic Nanowire Memory utilizing Motion of Magnetic Domains: Formation, Accumulation and Detection of Magnetic Domains in Magnetic Nanowire by Magnetic Recording Head
Mitsunobu Okuda, Yasuyoshi Miyamoto, Mayumi Kawana, Eiichi Miyashita, Nobuo Saito (NHK)
We have proposed the magnetic memories utilizing parallel aligned nanowires without mechanical moving parts, in order to... [more] MMS2016-45
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2016-06-10
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Simulation of STO for microwave-assisted magnetic recording (3) -- Optimum injected current of integrated STO --
Kazuki Abe, Yuuki Tabuse, Yasushi Kanai (NIIT), kazuetsu Yoshida (Kogakuin Univ.), Simon Greaves, Hiroaki Muraoka (Tohoku Univ.)
Micromagnetic analysis was carried out for the spin-torque oscillator (STO) used for microwave-assisted magnetic recordi... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2016-06-10
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Micromagnetic simulation of STO for microwave-assisted magnetic recording (4) -- Optimum injected current density of integrated STO vs. write head structure and head material characteristics --
Yuuki Tabuse, Yasushi Kanai (NIIT), Kazuetsu Yoshida (Kogakuin Univ.), Simon Greaves, Hiroaki Muraoka (Tohoku Univ.)
Micromagnetic analysis was carried out for the spin-torque oscillator (STO) used for microwave-assisted magnetic recordi... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2015-07-10
Tokyo Waseda Univ. (Tokyo) A study on high-density recording with barium-ferrite particulate media -- Tape Media technologies that has demonstrated an areal density of 123GBPSI --
Masahito Oyanagi, Atsushi Morooka, Masahiko Mori, Yuichi Kurihashi, Osamu Shimizu, Toshio Tada, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Takeshi Harasawa (FUJIFILM)
We have developed an advanced Barium-ferrite tape, that has a magnetic particle volume of 1600 nm3, a perpendicular squa... [more] MMS2015-40
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2015-06-04
Tokyo Tohoku Univ. (Tokyo) Dual free-layer spin-torque oscillator for read head application in magnetic recording
Tazumi Nagasawa, Kiwamu Kudo, Hirofumi Suto, Michinaga Yamagishi, Koichi Mizushima, Rie Sato (Toshiba RDC)
Read heads for HDDs with areal density over 2 Tb/in2 are predicted to suffer from magnetic noises that seriously reduce ... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2015-06-04
Tokyo Tohoku Univ. (Tokyo) A Study on Spacing of Barium Ferrite Magnetic Tape Media
Eiki Ozawa, Yuichi Kurihashi, Osamu Shimizu (Recording Media Research Laboratories, FUJIFILM Corporation)
Barium ferrite (BaFe) tape has better write and read-back characteristics due to its small effective head/tape magnetic ... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2015-06-05
Tokyo Tohoku Univ. (Tokyo) Post-annealing effect on magnetic properties and microstructures of CoPt based granular media
Kim Kong Tham (TKK), Shintaro Hinata, Shin Saito (Tohoku Univ.)
Magnetic properties and microstructure of Co80Pt20−30 vol.% (Al2O3, TiO2, WO3) and Co82.4Pt17.6−27.7 vol.% S... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2014-12-12
Ehime Ehime Univ. (Ehime) Demand for Engineers on Magnetic Recording
Yoshitake Kurihara (NIT Kagawa Col.)
Nowadays Japanese economy is recovering. There may be a shortage of engineers in Japan.
Magnetic recording technology ... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2014-07-17
Tokyo Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) A study on high-density recording with barium-ferrite particulate tape
Masahito Oyanagi, Takeshi Harasawa, Yuichi Kurihashi, Osamu Shimizu (FUJIFILM)
We have developed an advanced Barium-ferrite tape, which has magnetic particle volume of 1600nm3, surface roughness Ra o... [more] MMS2014-13
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2013-12-13
Ehime Ehime Univ. (Ehime) Recording field analysis of a magnetic write head for thermally-assisted magnetic recording assuming shingled writing scheme
Hidekazu Tamura, Yasushi Kanai (Niigata Inst. of Tech.), Kiyoshi Yamakawa (AIT), Kazuetsu Yoshida (Kogakuin Univ), Simon Greaves, Hiroaki Muraoka (Tohoku Univ)
Recording field analysis of magnetic recording head in thermally-assisted magnetic recording (TAMR). Static recording fi... [more]
IEICE-MRIS, MMS 2013-12-13
Ehime Ehime Univ. (Ehime) [Invited Talk] Thermally Assisted Magnetic Recording Applying Surface Plasmon
Katsuji Nakagawa (Nihon Univ.)
Thermally Assisted Magnetic Recording (TAMR) has been studied as one of future technologies for magnetic recording. TAMR... [more]
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