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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD 2012-01-27
Akita Akita University Analyzing Method of PDP Discharge Efficiency by Monitoring Panel Luminance and IR Emission Intensity
Mamiko Kahara, Tomokazu Shiga (Univ. Electro-Communications), Keiji Ishii (NHK)
The analyzing method of PDP discharge efficacy by monitoring panel luminance and infra-red emission intensity has been p... [more] IDY2012-4
IEICE-EID, IDY 2011-07-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Improvement of Luminous Efficacy Using New Structure in AC-PDPs
Shinichiro Hori, Tomohiro Murakoso, Eishiro Otani, Kimio Amemiya (Panasonic Plasma Display Co, Ltd.)
The dielectric layer of low electric permittivity is one of the important methods to achieve the improvement of luminous... [more] IDY2011-39
IDY, IEICE-EID 2010-11-26
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. IMID2010Report -- Plasma Display Panels --
Daisuke Kato (NHK STRL)
Outline about Plasma Display Panels at IMID2010 will be reported. [more] IDY2010-81
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