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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2020-02-28
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido)
Compact model mapping based on precise sparse point cloud matching
HungYa Tsai, Yuya Ieiri, Reiko Hishiyama (Waseda University)
Augmented Reality (AR) has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to its limitless imagination. Model
mapping is... [more]

ME, IEICE-IE, IEICE-EMM, IEICE-LOIS, IEE-CMN [detail] 2016-09-15
Aichi Aichi Prefectural University (Aichi) An Effectiveness of tags in finding broadcasting contents on Time Associate Zapping System
Shinya Takeuchi, Yutaka Kaneko, Kazushige Hiramatsu, Masahide Naemura (NHK)
We proposed a content delivery service by which users can select viewing program contents by the on-air time in addition... [more] ME2016-116
3DMT, IDY, IST 2014-10-28
Tokyo (Tokyo) 3D Point Cloud Cluster Analysis Based on Principal Component Analysis of Normal-vectors
Tomitaka Hotta, Munetoshi Iwakiri (NDA)
As a 3D sensor and its application technology had been developed and popularized, technical demands for extraction of si... [more] IST2014-47 IDY2014-41 3DIT2014-41
ME, JSKE 2014-10-02
Gifu (Gifu) Viewing behavior on time-shift viewing with zapping along the on-air time axis
Shinya Takeuchi, Yutaka Kaneko, Minsok Hwang, Masahide Naemura (NHK)
We proposed a content delivery service by which users can select viewing program contents by the on-air time in addition... [more] ME2014-94
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