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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI, IEICE-HIP, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] 2022-02-28
Online on line (Online) Effect of visual processing of gender stereotypes on food examined by inversion effect in semantic priming
Miho Sakurai (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Atsushi Kimura (Nihon Univ.), Yuji Wada (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Kimura et al, (2009, 2012) reported that gender stereo-types (GS) on food by using a semantic priming task. In this stud... [more]
Tokyo Sanjo Conference Hall (Tokyo) Relationship between cognitive traits and performance of elderly in cyberspace
Kazuya Matsubara (NFRI), Hiroshi Sugiyama (Asahi HD), Takuma Murakoshi (Chiba Univ.), Tomohiro Masuda (NFRI), Hidehito Honda (Univ. Tokyo), Yuji Wada (NFRI)
 [more] HI2014-56
HI, CE, IEICE-HIP [detail] 2012-11-14
Miyagi Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University (Miyagi) Can infants form cross-modal association between visual and olfactory information? -- Associative learning using novel odor --
Yuiko Sakuta (Chuo Univ.), Yuna Inada (Japan Women's Univ.), Sakiko Ogawa (Chuo Univ.), Yuji Wada (NFRI), Satomi Kunieda (Takasago International Corp.), So Kanazawa (Japan Women's Univ.), Masami K. Yamaguchi (Chuo Univ.)
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