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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
3DMT, HI 2019-03-08
Tokyo Kogakuin Univ. Tokyo Urban Tech Tower Campus (Tokyo) Force-like sensation elicited by vibration onto fingertips and its application for depressible button interface
Tota Mizuno (Univ Electro-Comm), Mizuo Kimura, Yuichiro Kume (Tokyo Polytech Univ.)
displays have been playing important roles to interact with image information in virtual reality and tele-presence syste... [more] HI2019-49 3DIT2019-1
HI, 3DMT 2016-03-08
Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Tokyo) A Feasibility Study of Input Interface by Expiratory Flow Pressure
Yuichiro Kume, Xiaoheng Dong (Tokyo Polytech. Univ.)
Human respiration is one of aito-kineses, and can be used for human interfaces. It has been used for wind instruments a... [more] HI2016-49 3DIT2016-8
HI 2015-03-10
Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Tokyo) A Feasibility Study on Non-contact Thermal Display
Yoshihide Saito, Yuichiro Kume (T.P.U.)
Multi-modal sensations in addition to visual and auditory sensations are expected to be used for image and information e... [more] HI2015-45
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