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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-MVE, HI, VRSJ, HI-SIG-DeMO, IPSJ-HCI, IPSJ-EC [detail] 2023-05-31
Tokyo Univ. of Tokyo
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Effect of Agents' Number and Behaviors in VR Disaster Evacuation Drill
Naoki Matsumura, Kensuke Sugihara, Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai Univ.)
This study aims to build effective drill software by combining a virtual simulation of the disaster and that of multiple... [more]
IEICE-MVE, HI, VRSJ, HI-SIG-DeMO, IPSJ-HCI, IPSJ-EC [detail] 2023-05-31
Tokyo Univ. of Tokyo
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
The Sense of Body Ownership of Virtual Ears using Stereophonic Sound and Vibration
Yuki Kometani, Naoki Matsumura, Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai Univ.)
This study aims to create a sense of body ownership of the third and fourth virtual ears (virtual ears) behind the neck ... [more]
IEICE-MVE, HI, SIP, VRSJ, HI-SIG-DeMO, IPSJ-HCI, IPSJ-EC [detail] 2022-06-17
Online Online Generating Biophilic Design Degree and Abstraction of Paintings in the Working Environment
Ryota Mima, Taro Oobayshi, Shunsuke Yoshitugu (Kansai Univ.), Ryoho Shinya (TGL), Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai Univ.)
IEICE-MVE, HI, SIP, VRSJ, HI-SIG-DeMO, IPSJ-HCI, IPSJ-EC [detail] 2022-06-17
Online Online Behavioral design of virtual agents providing senses of otherness and social isolation for concentrated work environment
Taro Obayashi, Ryota Mima, Shunsuke Yoshitsugu (Kansai Univ.), Ryoho Shinya (TGL.), Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai Univ.)
IEICE-MVE, HI, SIP, VRSJ, HI-SIG-DeMO, IPSJ-HCI, IPSJ-EC [detail] 2022-06-17
Online Online Effects of Self-Face Morphed Agent with Smile and Expertise for Motivation
Shinji Iwata (Nagoya Univ.), Naoto Yoshida (Kogakuin Univ.), Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai Univ.), Kenji Mase, Yu Enokibori (Nagoya Univ.)
IEICE-MVE, HI, VRSJ 2021-06-02
Online Online Expressive Agent Responding to User's Smile for Amplifying Their Smile and Positive Emotion
Shinji Iwata, Naoto Yoshida (Nagoya Univ.), Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai Univ.), Yu Enokibori, Kenji Mase (Nagoya Univ.)
By utilizing facial mimicry phenomena and emotion contagion theories, we propose a concept of an interactive agent that ... [more]
ME, AIT 2010-05-24
Kyoto National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Analysis of Communication between Elederly People in Videophone with Supporter Robot
Yuichi Koyama (ATR/Nagoya Univ.), Tomoko Yonezawa, Hirotake Yamazoe, Shinji Abe (ATR), Kenji Mase (Nagoya Univ.)
 [more] ME2010-90 AIT2010-82
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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