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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
3DMT 2021-07-20
    [Invited Talk] The concept of a small sound reproduce system for 3D audio and its evaluation method
Manabu Okamoto (Sojo Univ.)
In recent years, it has become possible to increase the number of channels of audio equipment, and large-scale equipment... [more] 3DIT2021-20
ME, IEICE-EMM, IEICE-IE, IEICE-LOIS, IEE-CMN [detail] 2017-09-05
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. (Clock Tower Centennial Hall) (Kyoto) An Evaluation of Applicability of Speech Intelligibility Enhancement Technique on Speech Guidance System for Visually Impaired People
Tatsuaki Ito, Yukihiro Nakamura, Masafumi Suzuki, Nobukatsu Hojo, Manabu Okamoto, Hirohisa Tezuka (NTT)
IEICE-IE, IEICE-EMM, IEICE-LOIS, IEE-CMN, ME [detail] 2014-09-18
Kochi (Kochi) A study of a method for estimating the condition of sidewalks based on the sensor data gathered by smartphones carried by pedestrians with strollers
Hideaki Iwamoto, Shin-yo Muto, Tatsuaki Ito, Noriyoshi Uchida, Masakazu Urata, Hikaru Takenaka, Jun-ichi Nakagawa, Manabu Okamoto (NTT)
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