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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2022-11-25
Osaka Kindai Univ. Construction of a model that corrects on-screen agent gazing considering interaction between screen turn angle and "Faceness"
Dai Taniguchi (Osaka Univ.), Kohei Ogawa (Nagoya Univ.), Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka Univ.)
On-screen agents projected on a flat screen have problems correctly recognizing the object of gazing at when interacting... [more] HI2022-29
AIT, 3DMT, OSJ-HODIC 2011-09-09
Chiba Nihon Univ. Speedup and scale-up of creation of polygon-based high-definition CGH by using parallel distributed processing
Kohei Ogawa, Kentaro Higashi, Kyoji Matsushima, Sumio Nakahara (Kansai Univ.)
 [more] AIT2011-68 3DIT2011-65
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