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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
AIT, IDY, 3DMT, IIEEJ, IEICE-EID, IEE-EDD, VRSJ [detail] 2021-11-29
Online Online (Online) [Invited Lecture] Space-Sharing Content Viewing System -- Experiencing AR and VR content with someone at a distant location --
Takuya Handa (NHK), Kazuma Yoshino (NES), Hiroyuki Kawakita, Kensuke Hisatomi (NHK)
NHK STRL is pursuing research on experiences that will exceed the framework of conventional television and will encourag... [more] IDY2021-27 AIT2021-158 3DIT2021-52
3DMT, IDY, IST [detail] 2019-12-20
Aichi NHK Nagoya Station (Aichi) [Invited Talk] AR/VR Technologies for Various Viewing Styles in Visual Media
Takuya Handa, Daiichi Koide, Hiroyuki Kawakita, Kazuma Yoshino, Kensuke Hisatomi (NHK)
This paper shows that our prospect of various viewing styles and R&D cases in AR/VR era. As part of our “Diverse Vision”... [more] IST2019-60 IDY2019-60 3DIT2019-35
BCT, IEEE-BT 2019-03-15
Nagasaki Izuharachiku-Kouminkan (Tsushima City) (Nagasaki) A Study on High-Immersive Sense Moving Picture Production for a High-Definition Virtual Reality System Using 8K-Resolution Cameras
Daiichi Koide, Kazuma Yoshino, Hiroyuki Kawakita, Kensuke Hisatomi (NHK)
 [more] BCT2019-47
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