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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST 2024-11-08
Tokyo Morito Mem. Hall (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] New Perspectives for Infrared Imaging Enabled by Colloidal Quantum Dots
Pawel E. Malinowski, Vladimir Pejovic, Abu Bakar Siddik, Itai Lieberman, Joo Hyoung Kim, Tristan Weydts, Myung Jin Lim, Luis Moreno Hagelsieb, Naresh Chandrasekaran, Antonia Malainou, Gauri Karve, Isabel Pintor Monroy, Wenya Song, Sangyeon Lee, Nikolas Papadopoulos, Jonas Bentell, Zohreh Zahiri, Steven Thijs, Arman Uz Zaman, Marina Vildanova (imec), Jiwon Lee (POSTECH), David Cheyns, Paul Heremans (imec)
 [more] IST2024-60
IST 2019-06-18
Tokyo Tokyo University of Sci. Morito Kinenkan (Tokyo) An Adaptive Frame Image Sensor with Fine-grained Power Management for Ultra-Low Power Internet of Things Application
Yasunari Harada, Masato Osawa, Shuzo Hiraide, Shunsuke Suzuki, Hideki Kato (OLYMPUS), Jonathan Borremans, Kuba Raczkowski, Peter Van Wesemael (Spectricity), Jean Luc Bacq, Mingxu Liu, Annachiara Spagnolo, Koen De Munck, Stefano Guerrieri (imec), Kosei Tamiya (OLYMPUS)
 [more] IST2019-38
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