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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
KANSAI 2024-12-22
Osaka Osaka Metropolitan University, I-site Namba (Osaka)  [more]
KANSAI 2024-12-22
Osaka Osaka Metropolitan University, I-site Namba (Osaka)
Nao Yanagihara, Xue XiaoZhong, Du Weiwei (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Keina Sato, Masahiro Miyake (Kyoto Univ.)
KANSAI 2024-12-22
Osaka Osaka Metropolitan University, I-site Namba (Osaka)
Morimoto Rihito, Noborio Ikumi, Du Weiwei, Muramoto Makoto (kyoto inst. of tech.)
ME 2024-10-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Analyzing Feature Maps of a Filtered Swin-Transformer Model for Wood Strength Prediction
Junjiang Liu, Weiwei Du (Kyoto Insit. of Tech.), Keiko Nagashima, Keisuke Kojiro (Kyoto Perf. Univ.)
 [more] ME2024-95
IST 2022-12-13
Shizuoka Sanaru Hall (Shizuoka) [Invited Talk] High-speed/ultrafast holographic imaging using an image sensor
Yasuhiro Awatsuji, Tomoyoshi Inoue (Kyoto Inst. Technol.), Takashi Kakue (Chiba Univ.), Osamu Matoba (Kobe Univ.)
This paper reviews two holographic techniques studied by the group of the authors. One is a technique for three-dimensio... [more] IST2022-62
BCT, IEICE-CS, IPSJ-AVM, IEICE-IE [detail] 2021-11-25
Online Online (Online) Performance analysis of Success Prioritized DCF for TCP Congestion Control algorithms
Ryota Miyazaki, Daisuke Umehara (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)
AIT, 3DMT, OSJ-HODIC 2021-09-03
Online (Online) Ultrafast motion picture imaging technique for polarized light propagation by using holography
Tomoyoshi Inoue (KIT/JSPS), Kenzo Nishio (KIT), Toshihiro Kubota (Kubota Holography Laboratory Corporation), Yasuhiro Awatsuji (KIT)
 [more] AIT2021-133 3DIT2021-22
HI, VRPSY [detail] 2016-11-06
Aichi Archie Shukutoku University (Aichi) Stimulus-response compatibility between hot-cold scene photograph and hand temperature
Hidetoshi Kanaya (Aichi Shukutoku Univ.), Yukiko Nishizaki (KIT), Masayoshi Nagai (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
 [more] HI2016-69
BCT, IEEE-BT 2015-10-23
Yamagata Yamagataterrsa (Yamagata) [Invited Lecture] On Received Frame Sharing Protocol for Collaborative Interference Cancellation
Daisuke Umehara (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)
Let us assume that space division multiplexing (SDM) signal without precoding is transmitted at a base station (BS) with... [more] BCT2015-71
BCT, IEEE-BT 2015-02-19
Mie (Mie) Throughput Evaluation of PNC-DF Relaying with Echo-MIMO Estimation
Futa Kimura, Daisuke Umehara (Kyoto Tech.), Hidekazu Murata (Kyoto Univ.), Satoshi Denno (Okayama Univ.)
Physical-layer network coding (PNC) enables bi-directional communications with wireless decode-and-forward (DF) relaying... [more] BCT2015-25
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