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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IDY, IEICE-EID, SID-JC [detail] 2019-08-02
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) [Invited Lecture] Characterization of Metal Thin Film-Wiring Materials for Foldable Displays
Chiharu Kura, Yumi Teramae, Yuki Tauchi (KOBELCO), Hiroshi Goto, Hiroyuki Okuno (Kobelco Research Institute)
Recently, flexible displays are receiving a lot of attention, and the demands of flexible displays are expected to incre... [more] IDY2019-46
IDY 2018-03-08
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) [Invited Lecture] Photo-Induced Transient Spectroscopy Study on Hydrogen-Related Trap States in a-IGZO-TFTs induced during TFT Fabrication Process
Kazushi Hayashi, Mototaka Ochi, Aya Hino, Hiroshi Goto, Toshihiro Kugimiya (Kobe Steel)
Hydrogen-related trap states induced during a-IGZO TFT fabrication process were examined. The a-IGZO TFTs with various E... [more] IDY2018-19
IST 2016-11-17
Tokyo TITECH Tamachi Campus (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] Light shielding Al alloy film for image sensor.
Yoko Shida, Hiroshi Goto, Mototaka Ochi (KSL), Hiroyuki Okuno, Moriyoshi Kanamaru (KOBELCO RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC)
We have developed new aluminum alloy films for a light-shielding metal layer in image sensors. Unlike conventional tungs... [more] IST2016-59
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