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Technical Group on Artistic Image Technology (AIT)  (Searched in: 2019)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2019-09-05 to:2019-09-05'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-05
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) Development of 3D Evacuation Simulation and Its Application
Yusuke Miyazaki, Munetoshi Iwakiri, Ken Katou (NDA)
An appropriate evacuation plan is effective in reducing human damage when a disaster occurs. It is difficult to do Large... [more] AIT2019-171
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-05
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) A Digital Surface Model Generation Method with 3D LIDAR Point Clouds Processing
Yusuke Miyazaki, Munetoshi Iwakiri (NDA)
A numerical surface layer model is digital data representing the surface shape of the ground including buildings and tre... [more] AIT2019-172
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-05
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) A Video Frame Selection Method for Efficient 3D Model Generation
Munetoshi Iwakiri, Yusuke Miyazaki, Ryousuke Uruma, Kazuie Sakuma (NDA)
Utilization of 3D data obtained with real space surveys is attracting attention with the improvement of 3D measuring and... [more] AIT2019-173
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-05
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) An Interactive Ink Diffusion Rendering Method for Ink-Wash Painting based on 3D Geometric Properties
Hina Yumoto (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Shuhei Kodama, Tokiichiro Takahashi (Tokyo Denki Univ./ASTRODESIGN,Inc.)
Ink diffusion is an important role for rich expression in ink-wash painting. We propose an interactive technique for cre... [more] AIT2019-174
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-05
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) [Invited Talk] *
Fumie Tazaki (NAO)
 [more] AIT2019-175
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-06
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) Automatic detection of lumbar spine from spinal CT images using deep learning
Yusuke Mita, Akio Doi, Toru Kato, Koki Takahashi (Iwate Prefectural Univ.), shoto Sekimura (ISP), Taro Mawatari (Hamanomachi Hospital), Taku Sugawara (ACCC)
 [more] AIT2019-176
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-06
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) Interior layout aided design using subjective evaluation
Yuji Hatanaka, Tomohiro Matsuno, Wataru Sunayama (Univ. Shiga Pref.)
 [more] AIT2019-177
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-06
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) Full Sphere Simple Drawing System -- Application using a 360 degree Camera and Styrofoam Bowl --
Hidekazu Tsujiai (Univ. of Toyama)
 [more] AIT2019-178
IIEEJ, AIT 2019-09-06
Iwate Iwate Prefectural Univ. (Iwate) Derivation of Optimum Combination of Basis in ICA-DCT Hybrid Image Coding
Atsushi Togashi, Masashi Kameda (Iwate Prefectural Univ.)
 [more] AIT2019-179
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
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