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Technical Group on Three-Dimensional Media Technology (3DMT)  (Searched in: 2013)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2014-03-06 to:2014-03-06'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Biomedical effects of interocular crosstalk and ranges of binocular disparity
Hiroyasu Ujike, Hiroshi Watanabe (AIST)
 [more] 3DIT2014-17
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Biomedical effects of interocular rotational difference and ranges of binocular disparity
Hiroshi Watanabe, Hiroyasu Ujike (AIST)
 [more] 3DIT2014-18
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Bayer Photopolymer Film for use in Holographic Optical Elements
Masaro Kogure (BMS)
Bayer MaterialScience (BMS) has been developing market for Bayfol® HX, photopolymer film for volume hologram, in imaging... [more] 3DIT2014-19
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Three-dimensional image generation using different ray divergence by 360-degree 3D display using a small array of high-speed projectors
Sho Hirayama, Yasuhiro Takaki (TUAT)
 [more] 3DIT2014-20
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Grayscale representation using bit-plane decomposition for 360-degree 3D display using a small array of high-speed projectors
Toshiki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Takaki (TUAT)
 [more] 3DIT2014-21
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Evaluation of Fatigue Caused by Watching 3DTV -- a Comparison of Minor and Adult Viewers --
Toshiya Morita (NHK), Hiroshi Ando (NICT)
To survey the present situation of fatigue caused by watching 3DTV, the degree of fatigue after watching 3D contents for... [more] 3DIT2014-22
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Relationship between disparity range for comfortable viewing and individual differences in visual function
Haruki Mizushina, Hiroshi Ando (NICT)
There are great differences between individual in visual discomfort caused by viewing stereoscopic images. In this study... [more] 3DIT2014-23
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) The Expansion of the Capturing Area for Integral Imaging using Two Imaging Units
Hitoshi Hiura, Takayuki Yamashita, Jun Arai (NHK)
Integral photography is a technique that enables 3D images to be observed freely from any position. A capture system wit... [more] 3DIT2014-24
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Field experiments, in a public space, regarding 3D contents on an auto-multiscopic display (REI).
Mao Makino, Hiroshi Ando, Makoto Okui, Naomi Inoue (NICT)
We are conducting research on super multi-view 3D video systems for highly realistic communications. We developed a glas... [more] 3DIT2014-25
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Image evaluation of multiplex-hidden hybrid 3D display using linear polarization
Wataru Fujimura, Yukua Koide, Genki Kunitomi, Yuki Taguchi, Hisataka Suzuki, Akihiko Shirai (KAIT)
This article reports about an application technique which can realize 2D/3D hybrid display using multiplex-hidden imager... [more] 3DIT2014-26
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Realization and trial of multiplex-hidden imaging on liquid-crystal flat panel display
Yukua Koide, Wataru Fujimura, Genki Kunitomi, Yuki Taguchi, Hisataka Suzuki, Akihiko Shirai (KAIT)
ITE This article contributes about realization of multiplex technology which has compatibility with current three diment... [more] 3DIT2014-27
3DMT 2014-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo) Implementation and Application of Basic Algorithm on Collaborative 3D Position Sensing Architecture
Hirofumi Mochizuki, Shun'ichi Tano, Tomonori Hashiyama, Junko Ichino (UEC), Mitsuru Iwata (TMCIT), Kenji Miki (JR Tokyo General Hospital)
In order to realize VR and AR, it is important to measure the positions in 3D space. However, the conventional methods r... [more] 3DIT2014-28
 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
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