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Technical Committee on Image Engineering (IEICE-IE)  (Searched in: 2013)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2013-11-25 to:2013-11-25'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-25
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) Video Coding using Sparse Representation
Kohei Isechi, Yoshimitsu Kuroki (Kurume NCT)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-25
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) A Near-lossless Coding by Sparcification of DCT coefficients
Kazuki Itou (Chuo Univ.), Gene Cheung (NII), Akira Kubota (Chuo Univ.), Antonio Ortega (USC)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-25
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) Improvement of PNG compression using an optimal filter selection and color space transformation
Teppei Takahashi, Akira Kubota (Chuo Univ.)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-25
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) [Invited Talk] Development of Video Coding Technologies and their Contributions to Industry
Hirohisa Jozawa (NTT)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-26
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) Evaluations of Image Quality Improvement without Reference
Naoki Ono, Yoshihiko Tanabe (Kyushu Univ.)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-26
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) Inverse Filtering by Iterative Filtering of Images
Zihan Yu, Kiichi Urahama (Kyushu Univ.)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-26
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) Accurate estimation of the fundamental matrix using hybrid statistics
Ryo Okutani, Yoshimitsu Kuroki (Kurume NCT)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-26
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) 3D Shape Reconstruction of a Droplet based on Multiphase Flow Tomographic Images
Yuki Matsuura (Tokyo City Univ.), Masamichi Oishi (the Univ. of Tokyo), Nobuhiko Mukai (Tokyo City Univ.), Mari Oshima (the Univ. of Tokyo), Youngha Chang (Tokyo City Univ.)
We have reconstructed 3D shape of a droplet based on multiphase flow tomographic images. Flowing a different kind of flu... [more] ME2013-118 AIT2013-161
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-26
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) Binarized-Weight Bilateral Filter for Low Computational Cost Image Smoothing
Yu Zhang, Kiichi Urahama (Kyushu Univ.)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-26
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) Binary Stippling Images by Poisson Disk Sampling with Radius-Order Scan of Pixels
Junsheng Tao, Kiichi Urahama (Kyushu Univ.)
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2013-11-26
Fukuoka Kurume National College of Technology (Fukuoka) Segmented Fusion of Multiply Exposed Photographs for Generating Artistic HDR Images
Wataru Honjo, Kiichi Urahama (Kyushu Univ.)
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
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