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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
AIT, 3DMT, OSJ-HODIC 2022-09-09
Online (Online) Synthetic Aperture Using Image Interpolation of Hologram for Incoherent Digital Holography
Masahide Goto, Teruyoshi Nobukawa, Yutaro Katano, Kei Hagiwara, Tetsuhiko Muroi (NHK)
We present a method for creating a synthetic aperture (SA) with image interpolation for an incoherent digital holography... [more] AIT2022-167 3DMT2022-35
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) Thermal Synthetic Aperture Image De-fencing by Temperature Compensation
Miyuki Matsuda (Tokai Univ.), Kenichiro Tanaka (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Takuya Funatomi, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa (NAIST), Hiroyuki Kubo (Tokai Univ.)
Thermal cameras use far-infrared light, which is emitted in response to the temperature of an object, to make measuremen... [more] AIT2022-75
AIT, 3DMT, OSJ-HODIC 2010-09-10
Chiba Nihon Univ. (Chiba) Computer-generated holograms of real objects captured by using synthetic-aperture digital holography
Yasuaki Arima, Kyoji Matsushima, Sumio Nakahara (Kansai Univ.)
The wave field of real objects can be recorded by using digital holography. However, the resolution of common image sens... [more] AIT2010-109 3DIT2010-50
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