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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
3DMT 2024-10-30
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Fast Generation of Elemental Images Using Meshlet Culling for Coarse Integral Imaging
Hiroto Omori, Hideki Kakeya (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Coarse Integral Imaging (CII) leads to image discontinuities due to the use of a coarse lens array. To address this issu... [more] 3DMT2024-72
ME, IEICE-IE, IPSJ-AVM [detail] 2017-08-03
Tokyo NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories (Tokyo) Information reduction for integral imaging and video coding for multi views
Kazuhiro Hara, Miwa Katayama (NHK), Tomoki Oooka, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.), Masahiro Kawakita (NHK)
We have been developing the most suitable video coding for an integral 3D image to implement a 3D television service. To... [more] ME2017-84
3DMT, IDY, IST [detail] 2016-11-22
Tokyo (Tokyo) Coding performance for moving picture of integral three-dimensional image using 3D-HEVC
Kazuhiro Hara, Masahiro Kawakita, Tomoyuki Mishina, Hiroshi Kikuchi (NHK)
Proper video coding techniques that correspond to integral imaging need to be continuously developed in order to transmi... [more] IST2016-71 IDY2016-46 3DIT2016-37
ME, CE, IPSJ-AVM, IEICE-IE [detail] 2016-08-08
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) Resizing method of elemental images for improving the coding efficiency of integral 3D images
Kazuhiro Hara, Jun Arai, Masahiro Kawakita, Tomoyuki Mishina (NHK)
We are researching to find the proper video coding techniques for integral 3D images to obtain a more efficient compress... [more] CE2016-43 ME2016-83
3DMT, IDY, IST 2015-10-15
Tokyo (Tokyo) Coded image quality of integral three-dimensional image using conventional video coding
Kazuhiro Hara, Jun Arai, Kawakita Masahiro, Mishina Tomoyuki (NHK)
We are researching to find the proper video coding techniques for integral 3D images to obtain a more efficient compress... [more] IST2015-62 IDY2015-45 3DIT2015-37
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