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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI 2024-03-19
Online (Online) A Study on Image Selection for Graduation Albums Based on a Large-scale Pre-trained Model and Face Detection
Hiraku Matsuda, Yuta Muraki (OIT), Kazuyuki Fukuda, Kentaro Wada (DAICOLO CO.,LTD.), Mutsuo Sano (OIT)
When creating a graduation album, there is the task of selecting images to be placed in the layout from among many image... [more] HI2024-21
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2024-03-05
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo) Research on stress reduction of interview experience using AR
Masataka Kondo, Tomokazu Isikawa (Toyo Univ.)
We conducted an experiment on the use of AR technology to reduce nervousness during interviews. In the experiment, an HM... [more] AIT2024-46
HI, VRPSY 2018-12-15
Fukuoka Kokura Campus, Univ. Kitakyushu (Fukuoka) Temporal Analysis of Smile Expressions Using QRNN
Kodai Kitamura, Kazunori Kotani, Siritanawan Parinya (JAIST)
This paper describes recognition of smile expressions. We distinguish two types of smile expression, first is “Ginnine s... [more] HI2018-69
HI, VRPSY 2018-12-15
Fukuoka Kokura Campus, Univ. Kitakyushu (Fukuoka) Characteristics of Emotional Interaction between Human and Multiple Robots
Hiroyuki Usami, Kazunori Kotani, Siritanawan, Prarinya (JAIST)
In this research, we study the characteristics of emotional interaction between multiple robots and human using facial e... [more] HI2018-70
HI, VRPSY 2017-11-25
Ishikawa Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa) Characteristics of emotional interacton between human and humanoid robot based on facial expression recognition
Kodai Yano, Kazunori Kotani (JAIST)
This paper describes characteristics of emotional interaction between human and humanoid robot by facial expression reco... [more] HI2017-78
HI, IEICE-IE, AIT, IEICE-ITS, ME, MMS, CE [detail] 2016-02-22
Hokkaido Hokudai (Hokkaido) An application for encouraging positive emotions
Yuto Kato (Kogakuin Univ.), Masao Suzuki (UAL), Naiwala P. Chandrasiri (Kogakuin Univ.)
In this paper, we describe developing a new application that encourages positive emotions. It recognizes facial expressi... [more] MMS2016-5 CE2016-5 HI2016-5 ME2016-38 AIT2016-5
 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
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