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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
AIT, 3DMT, OSJ-HODIC 2013-09-06
Chiba Funabashi Campus, Nihon University (Chiba) Space-bandwidth extension methods in parallel phase-shifting digital holography using a commercially available polarization-imaging camera
Tatsuki Tahara (Kansai Univ.), Yasunori Ito, Peng Xia, Yuki Shimozato, Yasuhiro Awatsuji, Kenzo Nishio, Shogo Ura (Kyoto Inst. Tech.), Osamu Matoba (Kobe Univ.), Yasuhiko Arai (Kansai Univ.), Toshihiro Kubota (Kubota Holography Lab. Corp.)
 [more] AIT2013-152 3DIT2013-39
AIT, 3DMT, OSJ-HODIC 2010-09-10
Chiba Nihon Univ. (Chiba) Parallel phase-sifting digital holography using high-speed camera
Takashi Kakue, Kenichi Ito, Tatsuki Tahara, Yuki Shimozato, Yasuhiro Awatsuji, Kenzo Nishio, Shogo Ura (Kyoto Inst. Technol.), Toshihiro Kubota (Kubota Holography Lab. Co.), Osamu Matoba (Kobe Univ.)
We demonstrated a parallel phase-shifting digital holography using a high-speed camera as a technique capable of three-d... [more] AIT2010-116 3DIT2010-57
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