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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ME 2019-02-09
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin University (Kanagawa) Autonomous mobile robot which plans its path with interpreting the meanings among the spaces formed by multiple people and objects
Xianhui Bu, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
(To be available after the conference date) [more] ME2019-18
ME 2019-02-09
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin University (Kanagawa) Quantitative evaluations of aging impression of males based on the analysis of appearance features in facial skin
Yutaka Ishizaki, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
Nowadays the interests in men's skin care and makeup become increasing. To develop cosmetics for men, it is necessary to... [more] ME2019-19
ME 2019-02-09
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin University (Kanagawa) Drawing hair considering its characteristic in computer caricature
Daichi Toeda, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
 [more] ME2019-20
ME 2019-02-09
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin University (Kanagawa) Caricature drawing based on linguistic expression of facial shape and features
Shun Tsubokura, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
 [more] ME2019-21
ME 2018-02-24
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Automatic extraction of nose and eyes features and their adaptive drawing for facial caricature system
Yuki Sakamoto, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
A lot of studies have been reported on automatic extraction of feature points that represent shape of each facial part f... [more] ME2018-66
ME 2018-02-24
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Dynamic Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robot with Spatiotemporal RRT Using Limited Local Information under Crowded Condition
Kazuki Nakamura, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
A robot that can work with humans under the daily lives environment should have the function of autonomous movement. Thi... [more] ME2018-67
ME 2018-02-24
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Quantitative evaluation of male aging impression appearing in face shape and texture change based on image analysis
Kenta Ebisawa, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
There have been few studies about the change of impression on men’s skin condition caused by aging. In addition, current... [more] ME2018-68
ME 2017-02-18
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) 3D Personal Space Against Small Drone
Ibuki Shibata, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
Unlike humans and ground robots, a drone moves not only horizontally but also vertically. Therefore, it is inappropriate... [more] ME2017-16
ME 2017-02-18
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Automatic extraction of mouth area including teeth and oral cavity area from facial image -- Use of pixelwise area estimation by Convolutional Neural Network --
Kentaro Hirabayashi, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
A caricature is a medium expressing the facial features of a person briefly, and since it is used in various scenes, stu... [more] ME2017-17
ME 2016-02-20
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Automatic extraction of nares and wings of the nose for computerized facial caricature system
Yuki Sakamoto, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
Accurate detection of facial feature points from photograph is crucial to analyze facial features and to synthesize impr... [more] ME2016-3
ME 2016-02-20
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Analysis of Interaction between Concepts and Language in Concept Learning Based on Multimodal LDA
Miyuki Funada, Tomoaki Nakamura, Takayuki Nagai, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
It is considered that concepts are not only formed based on perceptual information in a bottom-up fashion but also affec... [more] ME2016-4
ME 2016-02-20
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Path planning for autonomous mobile robot using spatiotemporal RRT considering ambiguity in motion of dynamic obstacles
Tsubasa Kurosaka, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
In this paper, we proposed a novel path planning and speed control method for autonomous mobile robot under dynamic envi... [more] ME2016-13
ME 2016-02-20
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Autonomous accompanying robot which adjusts the relative position with companion properly under dynamic environment
Takafumi Watanuki, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
Autonomous mobile robot that accompanies with people and offers services to him should move autonomously by adjusting th... [more] ME2016-14
ME 2016-02-20
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Computerized facial caricature modeled on the drawing style and emphasis technique by caricaturist
Kohei Hayashi, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
In this paper we aim to apply the drawing methods of caricature artist to the synthesis of facial caricatures by compute... [more] ME2016-15
ME 2015-02-28
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Generation of Robot's Behavior Reflecting Emotional Expressions Contained in Speech
Hitoshi Miyazaki, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
 [more] ME2015-46
ME 2015-02-28
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Effect of Differences in Shape Features of Facial Parts and in Presentation Methods of Facial Images on Judgment of Facial Similarity
Pang Jun Hui, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
A number of research topics have been proposed on the mechanism of face cognition. One interesting topic involves the id... [more] ME2015-47
ME 2015-02-28
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Evaluation of Wrong Extraction Results of Facial Feature Points in Automatic Caricature System -- Utilization of Principal Component Analysis Method --
Nei Kou, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
The authors have developed an automatic caricature system using the principal component analysis for facial feature poin... [more] ME2015-48
ME 2015-02-28
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Reduction of Restrictions on Shooting Conditions for Automatic Synthesis of Facial Caricatures -- Toward Robust Extraction of Hair and Eyebrows --
Kentaro Hirabayashi, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
An accurate detection of facial features is crucial to analyze them and to synthesize impressive caricatures by computer... [more] ME2015-60
 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
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