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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 21 - 25 of 25 [Previous]  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI, IEICE-MVE 2011-06-28
Tokyo Sanjo Conference Hall An Image Projection with Color-forming Using an Ultraviolet Projector
Tomoko Hashida (The Univ. of Tokyo), Yasuaki Kakehi (Keio Univ.), Takeshi Naemura (The Univ. of Tokyo)
HI, IEICE-MVE 2010-06-29
Tokyo Sanjo Conference Hall Usability Evaluation of LimpiDual Touch (second report) -- finger position and occlusion --
Tomoko Ohtani, Tomoko Hashida (Univ. of Tokyo), Yasuaki Kakehi (Keio Univ.), Takeshi Naemura (Univ. of Tokyo)
3DMT, HI 2010-03-03
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. of Tech. Fundamental Experiments of a High-Speed Varifocal Lens with PLZT -- Towards the Light Field Display Using a High-Speed Field-Sequential Method(the Second Report) --
Kazuaki Yamamoto (Univ. of Tokyo), Takafumi Koike (Hitachi), Kunihiro Nagata (Piezo-ceram Technology), Mizue Ebisawa (TIRI), Takashi Aizawa (Furuuchi Chemical), Yasushi Onishi (Optceramics), Takeshi Naemura (Univ. of Tokyo)
PLZT attracts many researchers as a promising material for optical devices because of its useful characteristics: it cha... [more] HI2010-89 3DIT2010-41
3DMT 2009-03-17
Tokyo Tokyo Institute of Technology Fundamental Study of a High-speed Varifocal Lens with PLZT -- Towards the light field display using a high-speed field-sequential method --
Takafumi Koike (Hitachi), Kazuaki Yamamoto, Takeshi Naemura (Univ. of Tokyo)
 [more] 3DIT2009-10
3DMT, IDY 2008-10-21
Tokyo NHK STRL [Invited Talk] Auto-Stereoscopic Live Video System Based-on Computational Photography
Takeshi Naemura (The Univ. of Tokyo)
3D imaging technologies have developed from progress of various related researches. This paper presents the TransCAIP sy... [more] IDY2008-95 3DIT2008-67
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