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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ME, AIT, IEICE-IE [detail] 2015-11-12
Kumamoto Sojo University Ikeda Campus (Kumamoto) Local image inpainting with high frequency resolution analysis
Yuya Inuzuka, Kazuki Sakashita, Masaya Hasegawa, Shigeki Hirobayashi, Tadanobu Misawa (Toyama Univ.), Hiroyuki Shioya (Muroran Institute of Tech.)
We present a new technique for image restoration. Although several algorithms can modify images in an undetectable manne... [more]
ME, AIT, IEICE-IE [detail] 2015-11-12
Kumamoto Sojo University Ikeda Campus (Kumamoto) Image denoising based on high-resolution frequency analysis
Kazuki saka, Yuya Inuzuka, Masaya Hasegawa, Shigeki Hirobayashi, Tadanobu Misawa (Toyama Univ.)
ME, AIT, IEICE-IE [detail] 2015-11-13
Kumamoto Sojo University Ikeda Campus (Kumamoto) Verification of high definition of low field MRI image using NHA
Masaya Hasegawa, Shigeki Hirobayashi, Tadanobu Misawa (Toyama Univ.), Koichi Mori (Toyama Univ.Hospital), Kyo Noguchi (Toyama Univ.)
In late years the MRI that is a tomogram technology using a magnetic resonance phenomenon attracts its attention. MRI ac... [more]
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