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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST 2021-10-21
Online (Online) A 4.0µm Stacked Digital Pixel Sensor Operating in A Dual Quantization Mode for High Dynamic Range with Global Shutter Operation
Toshiyuki Isozaki, Kazuya Mori, Naoto Yasuda, Ken miyauchi, Isao Takayanagi, Junichi Nakamura, HC Chien, Ken Fu, SG Wuu (BRILLNICS), Andrew Berkovich, Song Chen, Wei Gao, Chiao Liu (Facebook)
 [more] IST2021-49
IST 2019-09-20
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Back Side Illuminated High Dynamic Range 4.0um Voltage Domain Global Shutter Pixel
Toshiyuki Isozaki, Kazuya Mori, Ken Miyauchi, Naoto Yasuda, Yusuke Sawai, Alex Tsai, Isao Takayanagi, Junichi Nakamura (BRILLNICS)
A backside illuminated image sensors with a 4.0μm global shutter (GS) pixel has been fabricated in a 45nm/65nm stacked C... [more] IST2019-44
IST 2017-09-25
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A Single Exposure Type Wide Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor With Multiple Conversion Gains
Shunsuke Tanaka, Toshinori Otaka, Kazuya Mori, Norio Yoshimura, Shinichiro Matsuo, Hirofumi Abe, Naoto Yasuda, Kenichiro Ishikawa, Shunsuke Okura, Shinji Ohsawa, Isao Takayanagi (BRILLNICS)
In new markets such as in-vehicle cameras and sensing applications that are rising rapidly in recent years, there is a g... [more] IST2017-58
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