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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 5 of 5  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
3DMT, IDY, IST 2015-10-15
Tokyo   An implementation of capture, transmission and display systems for multiview video stream
Shoichiro Iwasawa (NICT), Roberto Lopez-Gulliver (RITS), Masahiro Kawakita (NHK), Akio Ishikawa, Makoto Okui, Kenji Yamamoto (NICT)
We are working on the research and development of multiview imaging systems. This report describes the newly developed v... [more] IST2015-63 IDY2015-46 3DIT2015-38
3DMT, IDY 2013-06-10
Osaka   Ultra multi-view glasses-free 3D video system and social demonstration experiments
Masahiro Kawakita, Shoichiro Iwasawa, Roberto Lopez, Gulliver, Mao Makino, Masaki Chikama, Mehrdad Panahpour Teherani, Akio Ishikawa, Makoto Okui, Naomi Inoue (NICT)
We investigate highly realistic communication systems using a super-multi-view three-dimensional (3D) video system. We p... [more] IDY2013-28 3DIT2013-31
3DMT, IST, IDY 2012-10-30
Tokyo NHK STRL Efficient Transmission of Multiview 3D Video by Plane Approximation of Depth Map
Akio Ishikawa, Mehrdad Panahpour Tehrani, Masahiro Kawakita, Naomi Inoue (NICT), Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya University)
 [more] IST2012-59 IDY2012-53 3DIT2012-63
ME, AIT, HI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2012-02-20
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Improvement of Free Viewpoint Video Communication by Integration of Multiview Depth Map
Akio Ishikawa, Hiroshi Sankoh, Sei Naito (KDDI R&D Labs.)
3DMT, IDY 2009-06-17
Kyoto NiCT Efficient Ray Information Transmission Method for 3D Free Viewpoint Video Generation
Akio Ishikawa, Sei Naito, Shigeyuki Sakazawa (KDDI Labs.)
In this paper, a transmission data format and a corresponding free viewpoint generation method are proposed to realize f... [more] IDY2009-60 3DIT2009-44
 Results 1 - 5 of 5  /   
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