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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ME 2021-07-16
Online Online (Online) Implementation of a scene description player that displays a combination of volumetric video and omni-directional video
Yuma Wakahara, Shuichi Aoki, Yoshiro Takiguchi (NHK)
We have developed a scene description that combines 360° video and volumetric video to form a 3D space by describing the... [more] ME2021-64
BCT, IEEE-BT, SHIKOKU 2014-09-12
Ehime Ehime Univ. (Ehime) Performance Evaluation of MMT-based Application Transmission Scheme
Kazuhiro Otsuki, Yuki Kawamura, Shuichi Aoki, Shinya Takeuchi, Naoyoshi Nakamura, Takeshi Kimura (NHK)
 [more] BCT2014-78
BCT, IEEE-BT 2014-03-07
Shimane Shimane Univ. (Shimane) A Study of MMT-based Data transmission scheme for Super Hi-Vision Satellite Broadcasting Systems
Kazuhiro Otsuki, Shuichi Aoki, Shinya Takeuchi, Shunji Sunasaki (NHK)
 [more] BCT2014-54
BCT, IEEE-BT 2013-10-18
Aomori (Aomori) Proposal of Signaling Information on MMT-based Super Hi-Vision Satellite Broadcasting Systems
Kazuhiro Otsuki, Yuki Kawamura, Shuichi Aoki, Kenichi Tsuchida, Takeshi Kimura (NHK)
 [more] BCT2013-95
BCT, IEEE-BT 2013-02-21
Okinawa (Okinawa) A Study on Media Transport Methods for Next Generation Broadcasting Systems
Shuichi Aoki, Kazuhiro Otsuki, Hiroyuki Hamada (NHK)
The environment surrounding content delivery has significantly changed since the early 1990s, when todays' broadcasting ... [more] BCT2013-52
BCT, SHIKOKU, IEEE-BT 2012-10-18
Kochi Kochi University of Technology (Kochi) A Study of Control Information in IP-based Transport Scheme for Hybrid Delivery using Broadcasting and Communications
Kazuhiro Otsuki, Shuichi Aoki, Shigeaki Mitsuya, Katsunori Aoki, Hiroyuki Hamada (NHK STRL)
By using IP-based transport scheme as a method aiming at hybrid delivery, we develop services that combine digital broad... [more] BCT2012-85
BCT 2009-10-23
Aichi NHK Nagoya (Aichi) Multiplexing schemes for IP packets in digital multimedia broadcasting systems
Shuichi Aoki, Katsunori Aoki, Makoto Yamamoto (NHK)
A growing number of broadcasting systems have an IP-friendly transport mechanism to enable broadcasting services harmoni... [more] BCT2009-90
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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