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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-HIP, CE, HI [detail] 2014-12-01
Miyagi Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University Difference limens for sound localization of listeners at the subjective front during passive horizontal rotation
Yoji Masumi (Tohoku Univ.), Akio Honda (Yamanashi Eiwa Coll.), Yo-iti Suzuki, Shuichi Sakamoto (Tohoku Univ.)
HI, CE, IEICE-HIP [detail] 2011-11-10
Miyagi RIEC An experimental study of presence and verisimilitude on audio-visual contents -- Effects of restricted visual fields and sound pressure levels on video scenes of cymbal performance --
Takayuki Kanda, Akio Honda (RIEC), Hiroshi Shibata (RIEC/東北大), Nobuko Asai (東北大), Wataru Teramoto (室蘭工業大学), Shuichi Sakamoto, Yukio Iwaya (RIEC), Jiro Gyoba (東北大), Yoiti Suzuki (RIEC)
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