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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI 2024-03-19
Online (Online) A Study on Image Selection for Graduation Albums Based on a Large-scale Pre-trained Model and Face Detection
Hiraku Matsuda, Yuta Muraki (OIT), Kazuyuki Fukuda, Kentaro Wada (DAICOLO CO.,LTD.), Mutsuo Sano (OIT)
When creating a graduation album, there is the task of selecting images to be placed in the layout from among many image... [more] HI2024-21
HI, 3DMT 2016-03-08
Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Tokyo) A Study on Visual Awareness Detection Using Correlation between Target Motion and Eye Movement
Hideho Sakaguchi (ATR/O.P.U.C.T.), Akira Utsumi (ATR), Kenji Susami (ATR/Kinki Univ.), Tadahisa Kondo (Kogakuin Univ.), Takeshi Wada (O.P.U.C.T.)
To achieve a proper support of human tasks such as vehicle driving using attention and awareness control, in addition to... [more] HI2016-43 3DIT2016-2
HI, 3DMT 2016-03-08
Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Tokyo) A Study on Attention Control Method for Driving Assistance using Peripheral Visual Stimulation
Takuya Tanizawa (O.P.U.C.T./ATR), Yuta Inoue (Doshisha Univ./ATR), Akira Utsumi (ATR), Kenji Susami (Kinki Univ./ATR), Tadahisa Kondo (Kogakuin Univ./ATR), Takeshi Wada (O.P.U.C.T.)
We examined attention control effect of visual stimulus presentation to the peripheral vision with small LED arrays with... [more] HI2016-48 3DIT2016-7
 Results 1 - 3 of 3  /   
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