Chair |
Taiichiro Kurita (NHK) |
Vice Chair |
Tetsuya Miyashita (Tohoku Univ.) |
Secretary |
Yoichiro Neo (Shizuoka Univ.oka) |
Technical Group on Three-Dimensional Image Technology (3DIT) |
Chair |
Yasuhiro Takagi (Tokyo Univ. of Argi. and Tech.) |
Secretary |
Masahiro Kawakita (NHK), Makoto Okui (NICT), Takafumi Koike (Hitachi) |
Conference Date |
Tue, Oct 21, 2008 09:55 - 17:20 |
Topics |
Conference Place |
NHK Science & Technical Research Laboratories |
Address |
1-10-11, Kinuta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 157-8510, Japan |
Transportation Guide |
http://www.nhk.or.jp/strl/english/aboutstrl/map.html |
Contact Person |
Masahiro Kawakita
03-5494-3312 |
Tue, Oct 21 AM 09:55 - 17:20 |
09:55-10:00 |
Opening Address ( 5 min. ) |
(1) |
10:00-10:30 |
Accommodation measurement of holography using resolution redistribution optical system. |
Yuki Hayashi, Takaki Yasuhiro (TUAT) |
(2) |
10:30-11:00 |
Consideration of single-sideband method used for elimination of conjugate image of hologram |
Yumi Tanemoto, Yasuhiro Takaki (TUAT) |
(3) |
11:00-11:50 |
[Invited Talk]
Auto-Stereoscopic Live Video System Based-on Computational Photography |
Takeshi Naemura (The Univ. of Tokyo) |
11:50-12:50 |
Lunch ( 60 min. ) |
(4) |
12:50-13:20 |
A Calibration Method for the Integral Imaging Display using Overlaid Projection |
Masami Yamasaki, Hideyuki Sakai, Kei Utsugi, Takafumi Koike (Hitachi) |
(5) |
13:20-13:50 |
A method for converting three-dimensional models into auto-stereoscopic images based on integral photography |
Miwa Katayama, Yuichi Iwadate (NHK Science & Technical Research Lab.) |
(6) |
13:50-14:20 |
Improvement of Range Resolution in a Time-of-Flight Range Image Sensor |
Tomonari Sawada, Kana Ito, Masakatsu Nakayama, Shoji Kawahito (Shizuoka Univ.) |
(7) |
14:20-14:50 |
Improvement of image quality and range finding accuracy in a compact compound-eye imaging system with a single imager |
Ryoichi Horisaki (Osaka Univ.), Yoshizumi Nakao, Takashi Toyoda (Funai Electric), Keiichiro Kagawa (Osaka Univ.), Yasuo Masaki (Funai Electric), Jun Tanida (Osaka Univ.) |
14:50-15:30 |
Break・Demonstration ( 40 min. ) |
(8) |
15:30-16:20 |
[Invited Talk]
3-D Display System on our Laboratory
-- Construction of 3-D Image on a Space and Method utilizing 3-D Visual Illusion -- |
Shiro Suyama (Tokushima Univ.) |
(9) |
16:20-16:50 |
Application of autostereoscopic display to medical training equipment |
Hiroyuki Nagatani (TOSHIBA Co.), Takashi Fujikado (Osaka Univ) |
(10) |
16:50-17:20 |
Depth control method for integral imaging based on geometrical optics approach |
Jun Arai, Masahiro Kawakita, Fumio Okano (NHK) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Invited Talk | Each speech will have 45 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
Technical Group on Information Display (IDY) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
3DIT |
Technical Group on Three-Dimensional Image Technology (3DIT) |
Contact Address |
Last modified: 2008-09-05 18:36:16