Technical Group on Information Sensing Technologies (IST)
Chair: Junichi Akita (Kanazawa Univ.)
Secretary: Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka Univ.)
Fri, Nov 8, 2019 13:30 - 16:50
Fri, Nov 8 PM (13:30 - 16:50)
(1) 13:30 - 14:00
[Invited Talk]
Image sensing technologies and the needs in the field of radiology
-- including the detection of extravasation --
Katsumasa Nakamura (Hamamatsu Univ.Med)
(2) 14:00 - 14:30
[Invited Talk]
Usefulness of multispectral imaging as surgical navigation.
-- Research and development of navigation system that predict and prevent fatal after surgical complications. --
Tetsuo Ikeda (Kyushu innove.), Ryousuke Tsutsumi (FDC)
(3) 14:30 - 15:00
[Invited Talk]
Current status of burn diagnosis by photoacoustic imaging
Shunichi Sato, Yasuyuki Tsunoi (NDMC)
----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----
(4) 15:10 - 15:50
[Keynote Address]
Advanced CMOS image sensors
-- the potential of biomedical applications --
Shoji Kawahito, Keita Yasutomi, Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka Univ.)
(5) 15:50 - 16:20
[Invited Talk]
Sub-pixel Quantification of Joint Space Narrowing Progression For Radiographic Diagnosis
Masayuki Ikebe, Yafei Ou, Prasoon Ambalathankandy, Tamotsu Kamishima (Hokkaido Univ.)
(6) 16:20 - 16:50
[Invited Talk]
Color image analysis based on diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and its application to functional brain imaging
Izumi Nishidate, Yuuki Kaga (Tokyo Univ. Agri. Tech.), Satoko Kawauchi, Shunichi Sato (NDMC), Manabu Sato, Yasuaki Kokubo (Yamagata Univ.)
- Photonic Biomedical Information Sensing Working Group, Group of Information Photonics, Optical Society of Japan
=== Technical Group on Information Sensing Technologies (IST) ===
Fri, Dec 20, 2019: NHK Nagoya Station [Fri, Nov 1], Topics: 3D Imaging, Hyper-Realistic Imaging, etc.
Thu, Jan 30, 2020: [Fri, Nov 22]
Last modified: 2019-09-17 12:59:44
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