Thu, Mar 6 AM 09:30 - 17:30 |
09:30-09:35 |
Opening Address ( 5 min. ) |
(1) |
09:35-10:00 |
Biomedical effects of interocular crosstalk and ranges of binocular disparity |
Hiroyasu Ujike, Hiroshi Watanabe (AIST) |
(2) |
10:00-10:25 |
Biomedical effects of interocular rotational difference and ranges of binocular disparity |
Hiroshi Watanabe, Hiroyasu Ujike (AIST) |
10:25-10:35 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
(3) |
10:35-11:00 |
Bayer Photopolymer Film for use in Holographic Optical Elements |
Masaro Kogure (BMS) |
(4) |
11:00-11:25 |
Three-dimensional image generation using different ray divergence by 360-degree 3D display using a small array of high-speed projectors |
Sho Hirayama, Yasuhiro Takaki (TUAT) |
(5) |
11:25-11:50 |
Grayscale representation using bit-plane decomposition for 360-degree 3D display using a small array of high-speed projectors |
Toshiki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Takaki (TUAT) |
11:50-13:00 |
Lunch Break ( 70 min. ) |
(6) |
13:00-13:50 |
[Invited Talk]
Evaluation of Fatigue Caused by Watching 3DTV
-- a Comparison of Minor and Adult Viewers -- |
Toshiya Morita (NHK), Hiroshi Ando (NICT) |
(7) |
13:50-14:15 |
Relationship between disparity range for comfortable viewing and individual differences in visual function |
Haruki Mizushina, Hiroshi Ando (NICT) |
(8) |
14:15-14:40 |
The Expansion of the Capturing Area for Integral Imaging using Two Imaging Units |
Hitoshi Hiura, Takayuki Yamashita, Jun Arai (NHK) |
(9) |
14:40-15:05 |
Field experiments, in a public space, regarding 3D contents on an auto-multiscopic display (REI). |
Mao Makino, Hiroshi Ando, Makoto Okui, Naomi Inoue (NICT) |
15:05-15:20 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(10) |
15:20-15:45 |
Image evaluation of multiplex-hidden hybrid 3D display using linear polarization |
Wataru Fujimura, Yukua Koide, Genki Kunitomi, Yuki Taguchi, Hisataka Suzuki, Akihiko Shirai (KAIT) |
(11) |
15:45-16:10 |
Realization and trial of multiplex-hidden imaging on liquid-crystal flat panel display |
Yukua Koide, Wataru Fujimura, Genki Kunitomi, Yuki Taguchi, Hisataka Suzuki, Akihiko Shirai (KAIT) |
(12) |
16:10-16:35 |
Implementation and Application of Basic Algorithm on Collaborative 3D Position Sensing Architecture |
Hirofumi Mochizuki, Shun'ichi Tano, Tomonori Hashiyama, Junko Ichino (UEC), Mitsuru Iwata (TMCIT), Kenji Miki (JR Tokyo General Hospital) |
16:35-16:40 |
Closing Address ( 5 min. ) |
16:40-17:30 |
( 50 min. ) |