講演抄録/キーワード |
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2016-08-09 10:00
3Dプリンター造形物への情報埋め込みと近赤外線透視像による読み出し技術 ○鈴木雅洋・中村耕介・高沢渓吾(神奈川工科大)・高嶋洋一(NTT)・鳥井秀幸・上平員丈(神奈川工科大) |
抄録 |
(和) |
筆者らが提案した3Dプリンター用デジタルデータの著作権保護技術について,3Dプリンター造形物内部に埋め込まれた著作権情報の近赤外線透視像による非破壊読み出しを検討した.提案技術では,デジタルデータに埋め込まれた著作権情報を3Dプリンター造形物内部にも埋め込み,それを造形物から非破壊で読み出すことで著作権保護を可能とする.近赤外線透視像による非破壊読み出しについてのこれまでの検討では,造形物内部で著作権情報を表現する微小領域構造を目視で確認したのみであった.そこで,本研究では,自動読み出しのためのアルゴリズムを検討した.低密度造形物の内壁に造形した微小な突起の配列で情報を表現して,配列の周囲には壁状の構造物を造形した.壁状の造形物をリファレンスとした加重平均によるシェーディング補正を用いたアルゴリズムを検討したところ,情報を読み出すことができて,自動読み出しが可能であることを確認した. |
(英) |
We evaluated our previously proposed technique of protecting copyrights of digital data for 3-D printing. The proposed technique embeds copyright information into not only digital data but also objects fabricated from the data by constructing their inside with fine structure. The proposed technique also nondestructively reads the information embedded inside the objects to confirm illegal acts such as bootleg products. We had evaluated the proposed technique by examining nondestructive reading using near-infrared imaging in our previous studies. However, the experimental results in these studies had only shown that fine structure inside fabricated objects was seen by eyesight. Therefore, we examined an algorithm of automatic reading using near-infrared imaging in this study. The test sample used in this study was an object fabricated with low infill density. Embedded information was expressed by constructing protuberances with inner walls, and arrays of the protuberances were surrounded by the structure similar to walls. Near-infrared images of the test sample were analyzed by using the structure surrounding the arrays as a reference to calculate weighted means for shading compensation. The experimental results indicated that the embedded information was correctly recognized, and we demonstrated the feasibility of automatic reading using near-infrared imaging. |
キーワード |
(和) |
デジタルファブリケーション / 三次元印刷 / 3Dプリンター / 著作権 / 付加製造 / / / |
(英) |
Digital Fabrication / 3-D Printing / 3-D Printer / Copyright / Additive Manufacturing / / / |
文献情報 |
映情学技報 |
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