講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2013-03-15 11:00
Adaptive Data Structure for Efficient Hair Collision Handling of Fine-Detailed Hair ○Witawat Rungjiratananon(Tokyo Univ.)・Yoshihiro Kanamori(Univ. of Tsukuba)・Tomoyuki Nishita(Tokyo Univ.) |
抄録 |
(和) |
(まだ登録されていません) |
(英) |
We introduce an efficient hair collision handling for fine-detailed hair simulation systems. Recent fine-detailed hair simulation systems represent a hair strand as connected segments, but handling segment-based hair collisions is highly costly. In our method, we efficiently handle the collisions of a large number of hair segments by integrating an adaptive data structure of hair. A large number of hair segments are dynamically merged into a small number of groups during a simulation according to the orientations of hair segments. Our method efficiently handles collisions between groups of hair segments that have consistent orientations, reducing the computational cost significantly while preserving the detail of hair motion. |
キーワード |
(和) |
髪の毛のシミュレーション / アダップティブ髪の毛のデータ構造 / 髪の毛の衝突処理 / / / / / |
(英) |
Hair simulation / Adaptive hair data structure / Hair collision handling / / / / / |
文献情報 |
映情学技報, vol. 37, no. 17, AIT2013-35, pp. 9-12, 2013年3月. |
資料番号 |
AIT2013-35 |
発行日 |
2013-03-08 (AIT) |
Print edition: ISSN 1342-6893 |
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